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	Comments on: कोरोना उन्मादमा स्खलित चेतना	</title>
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	<description>The Largest Online Directory of Bhutanese Literature</description>
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		By: Prem Khanal		</title>

		<dc:creator><![CDATA[Prem Khanal]]></dc:creator>
		<pubDate>Mon, 11 May 2020 03:40:29 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://bhutaneseliterature.com/?p=25664#comment-4282</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[First of all, There is no word of gratitude to express for such a great research writing. It took me two breaks to complete it. The Corona is the topic here but the writer has just picked the viral word CORONA as the topic, then goes to science, inventions, discoveries , pollution, economic Crises and at the end either to save nature or to give up the whole life. 
The illustration shows a perfect harmony penning down each and every details with great examples and anecdotes from the epics like Mahabharata, Purans and science. The article is almost a good chapter on a book with the topic Corona Impact. It shows the instances of the time facets prior and post to Corona as AD or BC, After and Before world war and so on if there are any others. The minute details of different countries and the incident of water crises of Maharastra in India, where the public is compelled to give up even welcoming ceremony of God, but just for water not only shows pinching satire to the so called great politicians and social reformers of Great India but also the heart rending and pathetic daily crises of even the free gift of nature in that area. It is just an instance. There are many Maharastras in the world where the people have to give up a lot just for air, water and sun. The political, social, economical and scientific  progress in the name of preserving the nature are  vividly seen as the main destroyer hiding behind the bars. Of Course the fact is always Bitter. I highly appreciate this article which has good trace of each and every factual blueprint in every pace. Summing up, Thank you Bhakta Daju for bringing out such a valuable and exclusive piece of writing, that too  in Nepali, which is not so easy to type. Hoping to read such precious pieces on the prevailing topics in future too. Jai hos.]]></description>
			<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>First of all, There is no word of gratitude to express for such a great research writing. It took me two breaks to complete it. The Corona is the topic here but the writer has just picked the viral word CORONA as the topic, then goes to science, inventions, discoveries , pollution, economic Crises and at the end either to save nature or to give up the whole life.<br />
The illustration shows a perfect harmony penning down each and every details with great examples and anecdotes from the epics like Mahabharata, Purans and science. The article is almost a good chapter on a book with the topic Corona Impact. It shows the instances of the time facets prior and post to Corona as AD or BC, After and Before world war and so on if there are any others. The minute details of different countries and the incident of water crises of Maharastra in India, where the public is compelled to give up even welcoming ceremony of God, but just for water not only shows pinching satire to the so called great politicians and social reformers of Great India but also the heart rending and pathetic daily crises of even the free gift of nature in that area. It is just an instance. There are many Maharastras in the world where the people have to give up a lot just for air, water and sun. The political, social, economical and scientific  progress in the name of preserving the nature are  vividly seen as the main destroyer hiding behind the bars. Of Course the fact is always Bitter. I highly appreciate this article which has good trace of each and every factual blueprint in every pace. Summing up, Thank you Bhakta Daju for bringing out such a valuable and exclusive piece of writing, that too  in Nepali, which is not so easy to type. Hoping to read such precious pieces on the prevailing topics in future too. Jai hos.</p>