को हौ तिमीहरु ?

देवी पोख्रेल / बेलडाँगी

सोच्दै एकान्त खोज्दै
उद्देश्यहीन भौँतारिरहँदा
एक अनकन्टार जंगलमा
दुई माटीकोरे बालक
माटो कोर्दै जस्तो देखेँ
लाग्थ्यो कसैले अलपत्र पारेको जस्तो

आश्चर्य मान्दै
तर नि:सङ्कोच अनि नीडर हुँदै
तिनीहरुका छेवै पुगेँ
कति पनि आतिएनन्
बरु एक ध्यानले
आ-आफ्ना क्रीडा सामाग्रीहरु
मिलाउँदै दुई मात्र केके बोलिरहन्थे
मलाई त उनीहरुको भाषा नबुजे
जस्तो भान हुन्थ्यो

क्रीडा सामाग्रीहरु पनि दुइ तिरै
छुट्याईएका दुई प्रकारकै
उनीहरुका आभूषण र पहिरन पनि
एक अर्कामा बन्दै मेल नखाने
एउटाले नजिकै गीताको पुस्तक राखेको
अर्काले कुन्नि के को?
लवज पनि ……
एकको भद्र/नम्र
अर्काको अलि कठोर जस्तो
बेला बेला दुईबीच ठाकठुक भए जस्तो

मलाई हेरेर एक बालक
मुसुक्क मुस्कुराउँदै केही भन्न खोजे जस्तो
अफसोच! अर्काले चाहिँ
बाघ मुर्मुर गरे झैँ
आँखा फुकालेर मलाई
बक्रदृष्टि लाए जस्तो

मैँले पहिलोलाई
अनेक प्रस्नहरु गरेर
उनीहरुका बारेमा जान्न खोजेँ
तर अर्काको डर/भयले होला
ऊ नाजवाफ
परन्तु फेरि प्रयाश गरेँ
अनि सोधेँ
तिमीहरु को हौ ?
दोस्रोले फ्याट्टै जवाफ टक्रायो
म माओ अनि
ऊ चाहिँ गान्धी रे ।

2 Replies to “को हौ तिमीहरु ?”

  1. Puranaghare

    Devi Ji !!

    It seems that your poetry advocates simplecity and complete mildness. I have never read this type of poetry, simple in words and very matured in tone. The way you have constructed your poetry is very moral and the technology you have anticipated is very acknowledging one. sometimes, your words speak more than your mind and build a home of sense biger than your subject matter. So calm in reading, more deepen in thoughts and ever griping in sensual analogical built up.

    Now, we have some good versons of poetry in our literature but anomg them you have brought the possibility of the new construction in poetry. The blend you have gernerred shows some productivity in itself and you are very matured in coining the words and producing the live meaning in them. All of us, we are associating words to build poetry but you have produced some charms in your approach that only few of us are capable in this arnea.

    I know you were a good English poet and this poem shows shat you are more than that in Nepali poetry. I don’t know how often you swin in the ocean of the Nepalese potery. If you have been extending the horizon of your mess in the Nepalese literature, it is certain that you will come out with outstanding caliber and whimming ground in days ahead.

    Devi ji !! A warning to you !!
    I have got many poets in my mind who have started profounding begining in their writing but went in vain with in a ignorable period of time.

    I am very contented with this poem and hope to read the same quality of writing in your future writing, please. Thank you for your contribution with a very significant poetry in Bhupali Literature.

    You deserve a good criticisim in general writing. I am optimistic that you will further more in this field.

    I wish you good continuity.

  2. Devi Pokhrel

    Bhola ji,
    Thank you very much for all the praise you did on me.
    Thanks also for recognising my new taste of poetry.Iam committed to go ahead with the same taste in the days to come.
    At times i would like to praise for yours write-ups too.
    Adieu..Literary salute

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