एक इनार अँध्यारो


टङ्क उप्रेती

बत्ति बालें कोठामा
बुरुक्क हाम फाल्यो अँध्यारो

घर बाहिरको बत्ति पनि बालें
बारीको डिलमा पुगेर टुक्रुक्क बस्यो

पर क्षितिजको सिमलको रुखबाट
ओर्लियो सूर्य धर्तिमा
र खेदयो अँध्यारो

म पनि मिसिएर उज्यालोमा
धपाएँ अँध्यारो
तिमीले पनि देख्यौ होला
बाहिरबाट मेरो हृदयको भित्तामा
खुशी रसाएको उताबाट फर्कदा

अहिले फर्किएर यसो हेर्छु त
अझैं बाँकी छ
एक इनार अँध्यारो
आफ्नै आँगनमा ।

2 Replies to “एक इनार अँध्यारो”

  1. puranaghare

    Thank you for giving an opportunity to read a poem which is beautifully carved and polished. Infact, I would love to read this type of spontaneous flow of powerful feelings in this site.

    Give us a poetry each time
    Sure, each week without a dime.

    we will get our daily bread collected
    continue to have ur immortality recollected

    No elixir can make life immortal.
    no poetry dears to make life mortal.

    This shoud be the beginning from you
    Tanka Ji, give us time to read yours total !!

  2. puranaghare

    Thank you for giving an opportunity to read a poem which is beautifully carved and polished. Infact, I would love to read this type of spontaneous flow of powerful feelings in this site.

    Give us a poetry each time
    Sure, each week without a dime.

    we will get our daily bread collected
    continue to have ur immortality recollected

    No elixir can make life immortal.
    no poetry dears to make life mortal.

    This should be the beginning from you
    Tanka Ji, give us time to read yours total !!

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