
टल बाली राई

हावा हुण्डरीको वेगसंगै सल्किन्छौ किन?
आशातीत लक्ष्यहरुमा सधैं पल्किन्छौ किन?

प्रायश्चितका रेखाहरुलाई मेट्ने दौडमा
जादुमय स्थिर मुस्कानमा झल्किन्छौ किन?

परिवर्तित भावनामा कताकता रुमलिन
समुन्द्रको छालसरि छल्किन्छौ किन ?

सुसुप्त कोपिलालाई फक्रिन दिने अभियानमा
शीतको किरणझैँ टल्किन्छौ किन ?

6 Replies to “गजल-११”

  1. Raju

    Bali Ji…!
    I am very happy to get chance to read your creation…
    i heartly welcome YOU ….
    expecting MORE…..keep it UP!!

  2. sabin sharma

    तपाईंको गजल पढे राम्रो लागो। लेख्दै जानुहोल निरन्तर्ताको कामना गर्छु।

  3. Pardeshi Tara

    I am realy proud of you to get a gazal in such rhythm. It is outstanding creation. Independent lines are even mindblowing and fantastic. Satire is put on at the right earnest. I m speechless buddy.
    It would have been more facinating,if you had included ‘Takhalus’ on the lines some where. Emerge even more underneath of thoughts to reconize yourself that you can write a masterpiece gazal. May god bless you.
    Pardeshi Tara ( Tara Tiwari) from Buffalo, NY, USA

    • Tal Bali Rai

      Pardesi taraji . G’day ! I warmly give u lots of Thanks 4 giving me outstanding comments. I appreciate that creation is always with us wherever we go.So , we love it. Thanks once again.

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