Kuma Raj Subedi

Kuma Raj Subedi, MA / MTESL, is a lecturer and an Australian poet. His numerous creations have been published on various print and online platforms: online and in print, such as  Misty Mountain Review, Indian Review, Muse India, Sahitya Post, Scarlet Dragonfly, Aksharang, The Gorkha Times, Of  Nepalese Clay, The Indian Periodical, Nepalnamcha, Poetishes, The Offline Thinker, Setopati, Poeticia, The Rising Junkiri, Sahitya Sangraha, The Writer’s Cafe etc. He often writes about issues such as women’s suffering, memories, religion, nature, migration, love and culture. He is also a member of the poetry reading groups Friendly Streets Poets and TramsEnd Poets in South Australia.