Bhanu Bhakta Acharya and the Celebration of His Anniversary


Pashupati Timsina
Atlanta, USA

Bhanu Bhakta Acharya was born in 13th of July, 1814 in Chundi Ramgha village of Tanahu district in Nepal. Though he received Sanskrit education from his grandfather, was motivated to do something to make his name eternal from a grass cutter of his neighborhood. After a long thought, Bhanubhakta concluded that he could be successful in translating the then Sanskrit language written Ramayan-a extended Hindu Lord Ram related epic into the Nepali language. Thus, he began transcribing the whole Ramayan beautifully and rhythmically into the Nepali language. Finally, he translated all the seven parts Ramayan into the Nepali language. The motivation he received from the grass cutter has been expressed in one of his creation and translated into English by Pallav Ranja in the following manner:

He gives his life to cutting grass and earns little money,
he hopes to make a well for his people
so he will be remembered after death,
this high thinking grass cutter lives in poverty,
I have achieved nothing though I have much wealth.

I have neither made rest houses nor a well,
all my riches are inside my house.
This grass cutter has opened my eyes today,
my life is worthless if the memory of my existence fades away.


Today, these books have become so popular that the people in and outside Nepal, especially in rural areas, have made it a friend of happiness, sorrow, inspiration, and problem. If one visits the rural religious rites, rituals, and marriages, one can find people reciting the rhythmic rhymes of the epic. Even the people in the thick forest, where they graze their cattle, keep reciting the verses rhythmically. This literary creation of Bhanu Bhakta has remained in the tongue, heart, and hand of the people.

Bhanu Bhakta did not just translate the Sanskrit written Ramayan into Nepali but also composed many poems in beautiful and rhythmic patterns. His poems like Prashnottar, Kantipuri Nagari, etc. are also popular among the Nepali literateur. The following is an English translated piece by Pallav Ranjan from Nepali Kantipuri Nagari:

After so many days I have seen the Balaju water gardens again
and I write that underneath earthly skies this is a Heaven.
All around me are birds that sit or swing upon vines,
maybe with soft voices they intend to steal my mind.


Bhanu Bhakta Acharya is regarded as Aadi Kabi, means the beginner poet or the first poet of Nepali language. It is his creation that the Nepali language has become very popular among the then people. It is his creation that laid the foundation of Nepali literature. Thus, people pay due respect and honor him every year on 13th July as Bhanu Jayanti. People recite poems and organize poem recitation competition. In his reverence, in many places, statues and idols are made. In many places, the street and roads are called after his name.

Today, all over the world, where there are Nepali speaking people are residing, are commemorating his 205th birth anniversary. Bhutanese in Diaspora are also celebrating his anniversary. is commemorating him with this special publication.

We are commemorating the anniversary though he was not born to Bhutanese soil because we are speaking the language, of which foundation was laid by him. Bhutanese people still recite his creation and the utmost love and respect. They too have used the books – especially the Ramayan as their friend. Whether they are in problem, happiness or sorrow, they recite the rhythmic verses of Ramayan. He is very popular in the community. Thus, Nepali speaking Bhutanese are celebrating his anniversary with self-volunteerism, as we feel that he owes this respect and honor. We are celebrating his anniversary concerning the foundation of language laid by him. It will not be sufficient just on publishing poems and literary works on his name, we should also make our new generation in the Bhutanese diaspora as well as inside Bhutan know about him and pay respect to him through at least commemorating his anniversary every year.

[Mr. Timsina was the Chief Editor of this portal from 2009 to 2010. This article, published in 2010 Bhanu Jayanti Special Issue, is reproduced here with some minor revisions – Editors]

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