
Employment for the Bhutanese resettled in a foreign country is a must. In that the standard of living which we have to get accustomed with is utterly up-to-the-minute and many more times dearer than the one we have left behind, it’s not doable for us to meet and maintain the looked-for standard devoid of earnings of one or the other sort. For this we have to revise the theoretical know-how we had attained during or before our exile. At this juncture, it may, at times, be harder for them than for the ones who were unlettered before the resettlement.

The days and years hereafter will more often than not relies on riches as we have started dwelling in the cities. Unlike things in the villages, everything in the cities counts and costs something. We can no longer hinge on our grandfathers and fathers who, even when run out of money, used to manage to have us live a life. We could live on feral fruits, leaves, stems and flesh for gratis. They are light years away from those jungles which they were habituated to run towards to instantly drive hunger off our never filling hungry hole. We cannot either be contingent on our grandmothers and mothers who used to exploit themselves as farm-hands for wages because the farm in the place they are today are cultivated not only by humans but more with machines. Not only they but almost all of us are not used to using scientific implements for carrying out a job which seems synonymous to our way of life, in a sense. The time which more favours minds than muscles has come for us to tackle with. In a nut shell, we are in the face of the era of applied science for which we have to garner skill.


One Reply to “Editorial”

  1. Pardeshitara

    wow !! what a write-up !! I couldn’t find any rooms to object you. Sure, this is the reality. Salam !!

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