
Of late a book has been added in the annals of Bhutanese literature. It’s Samjhanaakaa Khandit Aakritiharoo: an anthology of Nepali poems created by the Bhutanese poets. The publisher of the anthology is Global Bhutanese Literature Organisation (GBLO) whereas Shiva Lal Dahal is its Editor. The edition has published 55 poems of 30 poets.

The editor has put out all the stops and has invested a great deal of his time in the publication. It’s effortlessly perceptible that bringing  together and publishing 30 poets’ 55 articles can’t be done overnight. It has been music to many ears and should be so indeed. This is for sure an estimable industry done while fading away in a refugee camp. It should have undeniably endowed the literarily hot and bothered Bhutanese in the refugee camp, in the resettled country and in Bhutan with novel vigour and ardour. This is a patent testimony and mouthpiece to advocate that Bhutanese are on their way to the acme of letters. It has expectedly procured many credits and congratulations both online and onsite. In the group of those congratulating thus are the ones who only heard about the publication of the book and were uninformed or badly informed of the rest of the matters if they hadn’t done so on purpose. This is not at all a bad idea.  An individual who is a well-wisher of such genuine job can’t ever pull himself/herself back from expressing his/her words of admiration.

Should one takes this book as a basis to analyse Bhutanese Nepali literature , predictably she/he says that it is not only male-dominated but youth are in command of it as well.  Some of the literarily and academically conscious souls whose articles have been included in the book are not satisfied with the work. They say certain things, which are a must while bringing out a book compiling articles of different writers, have not been incorporated in its publication procedure. Their dissatisfaction is with the issues like copy right and publisher of the book. Some of them say they got the knowledge about the inclusion of their articles only after the book was published while others let their sadness out stating that they would not have given permission to publish their pieces had they known that GBLO would be the publisher. They wonder how it happened to be a skeleton in the cupboard.  They opine how GBLO can be labelled as the publisher when the proposed name of the organization has been in the process of getting general consensus or disagreement. They throw a spate of questions: What’s GBLO? Does it really exist? What literary effort has it made so far to translate its big talk into performance? Who are its martyrs? How tall are they? And so on.

We have to mull over that we make mistake. Making mistake, if considered positively,  points out that something is being done. Doing something is at all times better than carrying out zilch. The most imperative fact  we should never  fail to acknowledge is:  when a candle is lit, it not only brings the room to light but also draws attention to the filth it holds.  It’s past now. Let bygones be bygones.  We have bigger fish to fry; therefore let’s bury the hatchet and move ahead shoulder to shoulder with commitment not to replicate such slip-up in the days to come.


8 Replies to “Editorial”

  1. Karna Gurung

    I strongly disagree with your language of writing. Write what is the true things. Things you wrote is not real and positive either.
    Please bring change in your way of writings.
    This is not a comment but a good suggestion.

    Language is very importaint. Bring Change in literary aspect.
    It shows the quality of our literature and expression or vision.
    Thank you
    Karna Gurung.

  2. vikalpa dahal

    i think it might be the greatest contrubution made by shiva lal dahal for Bhutanese literature. I think beside critisim and question about the book, one most appreaciated by broad and open mind . Our main barriers for our progress is just like above editorial. Don’t make a habit collecting question in others progress and work. i suggest don’t publish such editorial . i think ramesh jee and other are also from refugee camp , do u ever tried this work , u could not coz u c finance , which is a great problem.? but shiva lal dahal tried and did , with hard work ,toil and regular sweatbeads. 70000 thousand is not a small money in refugee life. i think u might ve 4get the pain of refugee life and made a useless question. So it is necessary to take help from some to build the literature. do u think he is wrong to take financial help from GBLO? if bhutanese literature.com is able and ve a good mind , y can;t u do it.? think so i request plz it is the great work for our literature so let us support him, not by critisim but by good words. so this editorial must edit and return some useless words.

    thank u ,Thimphu, Bhutan

  3. tenzing drukpa

    I found this book is milestone in bhutanese literature and i suppose it is not the product of a single night. Even in refugee status i found he sacrified time, money and all for our literature and gave a shape to book,but i could not understand why pashupati,ramesh,khem, rup narayan are making useless comment about the editor and the book. Let us think that it is our literary property, let us praise it . let us help him to publish more, beside critising him and his valuable work.. so that we can enrich our literature.

  4. Krishna Kafley ( New York)

    I am extremely happy to read book “samjana ka khandit aakritiharoo” an anthology of bhutunese poet, in which Mr. Shiva Lal Dahal is its editor. The scattered and hidden poems of bhutunese poets are brought together, it was a great deed performed by the editor.
    The book not only extends the poems but can be seen the history of Nepali language and literature in Bhutan. It too gives its origin and civilization, moreover it gives literary support and shows unity, strength and unification of bhutunese poet although they are in different parts of the world. Besides criticism and question we must have to think at least once. Nevertheless, I must have to salute Mr. Shiva Lal Dahal and all poets for such and herculean job and opening up a new window of The book SAMJANAKA KHANDIT AAKRITIHROO for bhutunese readers. And it would not been possible for such poets and editor to bring out such book with out the encouragement of all wishers.

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