
Forth Coming Literature: Innovative Literature

 Literature is a medium of articulating the inner feelings upon the occurrences and attainments. Current Bhutanese Diaspora has become a good podium of literature writing. It can consist of the expressions from all over the world as they are sprinkled. We can envisage that a matter in a publication from Australia, next from Europe, next from Asia and the other from America. This podium is no poles apart from a backyard with the flora in variant.

The word INNOVATIVE gives the sense of novelty. It can be an approach of literature. It can be a mode of new creation. Adding inventiveness in the literature is an innovative literature. Yes, Bhutanese literature should owe this facet. It should dole out the community with the articles in variant. Let the article endow with the global tang. Let the writers instinct on the description or creation of neo thoughts. Let the writers research on their new milieu. Let the writers write about the life, living, people, culture, education, activities, technology, nature, geography, society, community, development of the country of residence. This is innovative literature. Bhutanese literature thus is innovative and the movement of literature launched will be innovative literature.

Of course reminiscence is another part of literature. For the time being lets keep the past acknowledgement in imminent. Time will come to render them with utmost worth. The current value of literature in context to Bhutanese literature will be the innovative literature. The literature traditionally consisting the anguish and endurance, if abruptly give approach to the description or expression of the experience with the robot, internet, remote control, luxurious car, house, hospital, government offices, public parks, museum, etc. will give new flavor to the readers.

Last but not the least, lets work and make our literature in the forth coming days different from the previous days. Instead of writing on the fret, distress, pain, suffering or in covet, rage, passion, lets begin to write with the innovative approach. The more lucrative is your article, the more readers will read it. The more readers are lured to the article, the more admired the writer becomes. Thus, innovative literature is the need of Bhutanese literature and the demand of time.


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