
The collective efforts of  people bring forth an idea at times, the idea when churned brings about a pathway to lead a mission. Same chain has brought us to this height and has become guiding principle of our valued readers’ esteemed literary site.

‘Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world’- P B Shelly

The site has been in the mission of developing- as above stated legislators- since one and half years. There are ample unpublished Bhutanese writers with informative, educating and awareness enhancing articles. There are pens running tirelessly shaping invaluable genres. There are young minds coping with the modern literary endow suit. There are untold tales awaiting some ways to be narrated. Exactly at this plinth lies the mission of Bhutaneseliterature.com and you (our valued readers and writers) have become indissoluble asset in reflecting pathos of Bhutanese denizens through this approach. Literary works can make people think, make people ponder and make people establish a new way to lead ones life.

Literary works have become powerful than missiles in overthrowing tyrants in the history. Literary works have become an apt lozenge to cure ailments of disturbed minds.

The site, in its package, has many more sections awaiting supply from our Bhutanese brains. It is heading towards “Literary library” fold. Its time for all of us to make available with all possible best creations we have and educate our young generation to make ready their own history. For time is a great healer.


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