
Language is a means of communiqué. Language is a facet of a civilization. Language standard and the number of lexis on it illustrate the opulence of the language. The more the words a language be indebted, supplementary prosperous it is. The more we employ it, the additional it becomes widespread and aficionado affable. A language becomes fashionable, if it has the suppleness, user-affable in the lexis and their uses. That means language is an album of lexis in succession that bestow the sagacity of deliberation. Written language will be more urbanized than the oral language. Literature is an approach of inscripting a language in a stunning comportment. But the designation of the literature by saying this much will not be adequate. Literature has wider exposure of a lingo quo. To be a superior language, it should have the points like, acceptance to the society, flexibility, communicative, user-friendly, and understandable.

Literature on the other part is the knick-knacks of a language. Some say literature is the beautifying aspect of a language, while the other opines that the gallery-full accumulation of a language is a literature. Literature makes a language user-friendly. It makes the language prosperous. The more the language is written, the more sophisticated it is. The more the literature in a language have been produced, the more developed it is. Thus, lettering of literature plays vital part in the maturity of a language.

By today, it is very poignant to articulate that countless languages have given up the ghost, owing to the verity that they were in no way written. At the moment, countless languages are on the vanishing juncture due to the raison d’être that they were less vocal. If a language is spoken less, the words launch dying, like the cadaver sect dies being deficient in exertion. So, the borrowing begins. Burrowing of lexis in terms of language is like engulfing virus to the language. In language too, the conflict theory of Karl Marx pertains. There will be the conflict of novel lexis with the elder.Owing to reputation, neo lexis surmount the elder and gradually the elder dies out. This is the route of language desertion. Thus, documentation of language is very, very obligatory for the perpetuation of a language. Literature writing is obligatory for the maintenance of a language.

If a language has the number of lexis till five hundred, then it is in the juncture of vital risk. If the words are between 500-1,000 then the language is just ok but it is not 100% risk free. It requires an adequate amount to accomplish its preservation. If a language has 1,000-15,00 lexis than it is clear of the jeopardy of disappearance and has excellent gallery of literature. If a language has over 1,500 lexis, it is very affluent and is a dominant over a wide area geographically. It owes high-quality reverence, world wide. How many lexis do you have in your native language, do you know?

Whether to formulate a language well-off or not, depends on the orator and government of the country. The more the government gives right of way to a language, the more well-off it becomes. But on doing this, there will be the risk of butchering the other. A separate mechanism that the government must entail which without stabbing the other languages, endorses the foremost. This is genuinely significant. Also that the government must furnish autonomy to the convention of every language among the community of the orator for their improvement. This makes both the orator affluent in proviso language fecundity and the country, linguistically.


3 Replies to “Editorial”

  1. puranaghare

    This Editorial realy seems like an editorial of a literary site. It is nuch balanced than the past ones except it is analytically formulative.

    This type of writing boost up the tendency of the readers towards the development of the literature.

    Personally, I am thankful to the writer of this article for contributing quality and dedicating the development. We expect the similar writing in the days ahead.


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