
There was a time, when it used to take several days to prepare ink, several hours to find an entity to function as pen and several hours to find the foliage or the barks that can keep the contour of the letters for quite an extensive time. There was literature at this time. The work was done with “any how” ethics. There was the fret for the perpetuation of it. There was the fret of the vermin and rodents. There was the fret of conflagration and natural catastrophes, which can annihilate the conception. Many disappeared and many shattered. In fact there was brawl for the perpetuation, all the trail. The course of inscription continued. The process conceded from legion to legion. Approach altered, standard altered, paraphernalia altered, deliberation altered, technique changed, stratagem altered. But the notion of writing literature has never been altered. Today, we don’t necessitate ink or the pen to inscribe literature. We don’t need either paper. We don’t entail space to accumulate the written substances. There is no woe now of the rats and rodents. There is no fret of the inferno and the natural catastrophes. Not a solo toil will be shattered! All the stuffs can be archived in a wink of the eyes. How magnificent?

All the stuff has been made doable by means of computer technology. Credit goes to the instigator and contributor of this expertise!

Today, all the indispensable allusions are accessible in the internet. There is the lexicon, thesaurus and still ample resource – the encyclopedia. There are the search engines and there are the several billions of information stockpiles in the internet. There are many historical, universal trendy books, publications, and researches . From atypical stuff to the futile affair, everything is accessible. Even the inexplicable researches can be carried out from the internet. So, today’s literature is an E-Literature.

We are doing a timely job. We are budding and boosting our literature through E-Literature. Every unfeasible implication has befallen credible through this. Though we are in budding stage, we are having comprehensive coverage. We have shaped a global dais for the Bhutanese literary enthusiast. We are doing all the perspective as well the publication work using the E-Technology. Thus, we entitle our literature as BHUTANESE E-LITERATURE!

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