
Today there is a talk, gossip, campaign, wave, and even the configuration of high commission for Gross National Happiness (GNH) in Bhutan. The talk is going on as a big issue throughout the nation. But the talk is passing through the tree-top to tree-top, mountain summit to summit. The stems, the roots, the ground, the valley, the shores are unknown, untouched and unaware about this whim. Several national and international level conferences have taken places in this perspective. Bhutan is working dynamically to craft the model adopt globally. For the same, Prime Minister Jigme Thinley has made several foreign expeditions and has met several nations’ head. But all these talks seem to be only in the high level. The people of the same country- which is advocating- are not even an abecedarian of it. When several natives implicated in different professions had been asked about GNH, there was only one answer – “exactly I cannot say what GNH is”.

It is said that the perception of GNH was primarily launched by the fourth king of Bhutan in 1972 upon the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). When fifth king Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuk ascended the throne, he put forward this perception with the multiplied stimulation. According to Karma Ura, in his article published in the website of GNHUSA, “GNH is based on the premise that the calculation of ‘wealth’ should consider other aspects besides economic development: the preservation of the environment and the quality of life of the people. The goal of a society should be the integration of material development with psychological, cultural, and spiritual aspects – all in harmony with the Earth.” It is more popularly explained as an indicator of happiness. In an attempt to explain GNH proposition, nine dimensions have been put forward as Psychological well-being, Health, Use of time, Community vitality, Education, Culture, Environment, Governance and Standard of living (See gnhusa.org).

The perception of GNH sounds great. The nation is so called happy and prosperous, if the public are contented in all facets. The speeches, the articles, composition of books, formation of high commission, assurances, promises; everything is only the thing to articulate and to pronounce to do. The theoretical aspects vary from the practical aspects. To have and to articulate makes a vast difference. The thing what is in prevalence is the verity than the elaboration or explanation. The verity that reflects from the people in the hovel is only genuine one. There will only be GNH, if the nation could bring happiness in the hovels rather than creation of happiness in the ministries, palaces and the high level commission.


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