Exiled agonies

Devi Subedi
Erie, PA-USA

In the beautiful village, country of the thunder Dragon,
far in the eastern world, I was born.
I was only in my fourth year of childhood,
barely uttering the world of motherhood.

The tyrannical government of Bhutan is monarchial,
it declared Nepali-race people as antinational.
First seizing the citizens of grand parents,
then starting to torture the parents.

The king left the slogan “One country, one race”
the sergeant started to act their base.
Kidnapping, rapping and killing many young ladies,
thrown in the river many sapling babies.

Our parent’s bank accounts were seized,
made penniless and treated as wild beast.
Ultimately we were levied to leave the country,
where our seven generations had their cemetery.

Distressed countryman sobbing and crying,
left the birth place in dying.
Set the camp in Assam, northern India,
many died in starvations and malaria.

The Indian CRP loaded people in the truck’
did not allow to stay over, it is our bad luck.
Stated Nepal is for Nepali race people,
did not respect human rights, situation was terrible.

Dozen flee and set refugee camp in Nepal
UNHCR appeared as god to feed their soul.
Many lost their infants due to malnutrition,
epidemic and poor sanitations.

Life as a refugee is despairful
many treated us as free labor, life wasn’t peaceful.
For seventeen years humanism were limited to boundary,
I cannot express agonies of all and sundry.

All our peaceful attempts to be back to our homeland,
gone in vain for India did not join our hands.
For every movement we did for our country’s democracy,
Indian government was the hindrance, the greatest diplomacy.

Chasing us out, the government of Bhutan is not sound,
still torturing and trying to exile one hundred thousand.
So, being distressed to go beyond the boundary,
we chose the way abroad far in the western country.

UNHCR brought third country resettlement as a solution,
which brought lots of internal clashes and suspicion.
Many of our leaders are against the option,
but people take the proposal as animation.

USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Denmark and the Netherland,
are the host countries for sheltering refuge from Bhutan.
People chose migration as their only the option,
to be away from about twenty five years corruption.

More than twenty thousand* are now in United States,
scattered in almost all cities in their new destination.
Dreaming to have future generation great,
but for many reasons lot has to regret.

The worst situation in the bad economic condition,
all American themselves are in the greatest tension.
No job opportunities no income for medic aid,
no enough money to pay rent no place to engage.


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