Love, Life, Nature and Poet-1

Welkin Siskin lives in Seattle, Washington. He is the poet of varied nature, who writes on various themes. Poetry for him is the healing ointment of a heart destitute of vision. 

He believes that poetry is the play of words, the change of verbs into nouns; the game of words surging through the heart's inside. 
His poetry is the yearning for freedom, love, life, and the expression of the Nature that adorns the Universe- the mysterious eternity of the Infinite.


Welkin Siskin
Washington, America

A love that extends over, rises and shines is never as transient as the
wilting of spring foliages.
It is a fervid love,
A love never-ending,
A love that heart breathes in
the accent of well-pitched rhythm,
of the kingdom come
Serene and sweet.
I leave my memories at
the void of mind.
Nothing fills up the emptiness
but you.
Thus bestow me all that you retain
I shall give you soulful love.

In life, that which you seek is hard to discover.
For hard part is what you cannot achieve through simple toil,
Life be made a toil
To surpass all barriers and
Chapter and verses.

If love was merely what one seeks he would have faltered not
To smooch the twilight rainbows.
If hate would be his way, he would lose the very essence of life—love.

You give me a radiant glow of time,
You take me to the stars.
My serendipities are in thy palms
to please me with thy love, my love
Why should you leave me
in the lurch
If all these crazes
are bound to satiate you?
Why should you throw over
love the sacred rapture of joy?
Why should you cast aside
Love if it’s the ultimate goal?

Some utter words
to say life as a dream,
some say life is a purling ocean,
some say life’s a bird soaring in the skies.
Ask me no more, if life is a pain,
ask me no more, if life is a joy
For life begets life,
For life begets all the stars of nights,
Life is a fulfillment that never fulfills
so easily as a dream.

To witness the love
borne from purity,
borne to enrapture,
borne to take pleasure in,
we ask for its worth.
Love is a pure slate
that glitters
but in the blend
of joy and tending.

Where there is love
grown to sustain all,
To leave no scars of heart,
There’s a full grown hope.
Where there is passion
mingled with hope there is a full-grown dream.

Within my time shall I to thy name paint, a picture of immortal frame;
Thou art beauty’s wand who catches sights of all.
From where all things evolved
Thou art a lode of life.

What is a gift today withers tomorrow;
Come; let’s seek what is today’s gift,
A love held to be passionate.

To uncover meanings in the meaningless,
To uncover truths in the untrue,
To seize the moments at hand,
Is the strength of a man.

A slip of love’s hands
was to forbid the beginning of love.
I doubted that love
was but heinous a sin
Nor did I sway away
from its vastness.
For love would scathe not,
For love would bear torment not,
I began with love as a sole purpose.

Thou art the Master I bow
to care as always with utter caution, who
leads me to the path of perfection
Ever; thou art the unending
beacon of light,
The cynosure of delight
I take pride in
To uncover the bliss of life.

You divest the meaning thus—
If you wish for what is not there.
The meaningfulness of things
Is found in wishes not lost
From the inner depths of yours.

Whisper to me
Through the lips of pine
Oh, wind!
A sentence so divine:
“I love you.”
Let me carry through my vein
Across the body to my sense
The language so soft.

Myriads of fancy I weave
To discover what is not from my being
To simply be forgotten like nightly dreams.

Constellations streak across
the meteoroid-burst night,
A shade of bright dark
Is laid over the ceiling,
The earful of air
extricates from the thick
of trees, leafy boughs
laden with night flowers.
The beauteous part of the day
is dropped to the lowest
of dreadfulness.

He who has known God is the one who’s
known nothing about Him
who’s innocent, naive to know his surroundings,
and who lives a life of positive actions.

Where is the fount from where thou art composed
these eager senses die to meet?

I crave for the formless, unseen, untouched and the untold
To find beauty in them.

I aspire to that day when I was born
That day where my eyes were closed and the heart was open to dance.

Love lasting forever
Shall I as indispensable plume
of frosty breaths bestow
Oblige me by no words,
Not veneer,
By truth alone.

There was not a shred of hint
Never as one might wonder
A tiny trace of suspicion
Not a mistake slightly known
Nor a voice faintly heard
On how things could turn upside down.

These remaining joys
I shall bestow you forever.
Should I falter in distress
For God’s sake love me to eternity
I shall at all times lavish
On you these fragments
of me, myself and my being.

I sought nothing I wished for than you,
With a thought of binding love,
A hope that would never divest
me from untold love-
purest as heaven,
sublimest as things never met,
Ah! But as a dream befalling every now and then,
no love is enduring
To content the whit of thirst.

In figments of imagination,
In the deep of night,
I travel
with the drifter winds;
Like the wind itself
the life’s fleeting;
Fleeting like dust
I travel to every corner of the earth
In space and time
Simply to be forgotten soon
I take the plight
Of my striving to the last.

I believe that you are here
perched alongside me
for the air softly moving,
The night shrouded by darkness
whisper your words
All throughout the corners of my room.
I am reclined on the bed
Hearing you whisper
the feelings of unbounded love.
They sprout blossoms
And they have filled my senses
With unalloyed and hearty music.

All figments of thought, all fervors and desires,
aspirations and hopes, dreams, yearnings and longings are
but the abstract components of life seeking for
an abstract need—another abstract word.

The centrum of my heart’s chords throb
And my face smiles just in your love.
Leave words of your heart for me
Let me get ample music,
Let me hold genuine feelings,
For I’ve pined to refuge
in the spire of your noble feelings.

I hearken your firmest, reassuring voice
In this witching hours
Falling down to my bed
As the voices of the divine
Manifesting hopes
With pleasing succession of sounds
One after other.

Unknown to me
A web of ebony was but a life,
shaded into a mystery of the unknown.
Unknown to me,
Life was but a finite path
Where tales find no pages ample
To articulate the arc
Of rainbows it retains.

The pulse of love goes on forever singing the songs of immense joy;
The heart of love knows no bounds of happiness
with music the love throbs out from the pulse;
The palpitation pulsates the beats of love;
And the body lifts up to the firmament of the void
with plentitude of ease.
Love is the bed of roses for a pleasing life.

Ignite thy flame of love and strike me
Whatever the situation leads you to be
For love’s sweeter and taste pleasant
It’s something that’s not a grain in the sand.
Love is mundane not- it never kisses failure
It’s soft and tender a thing beyond expression
It can never be gained through lure.
Love is gained with selflessness of feelings.

Where are the pantheons of love
These yearning feelings die to uncover
Been lit to the full
To heal this heart that is darkened
By the dusk of lengthening shadows.

To have been kept to the silence,
To the back of (the) beyond,
A growing distress tended toward
acrid jilt,
A poet’s ineffable fount of creation.

On a moonlit night,
Lean against the deep blue,
Night air runs in a headlong
Pitched forward,
Shadows dragging the darkest self
mingle with the twitters
Of far-reaching birds…
Bit by bit the chanting
And the singing of the midnight air

Enable me to orient
To the beauty of dark.
I hear of you,
The voice whispery and divine,
The breath passing of a beginning
Have you entranced anyone
Or just me
In the spellbinding acute
Note of engrossment?
I have been strangled
In your noble mien
And tides of expression.

I am listening faint breeze
utter a sigh of love
In this vile darkness
Whining an audible breath,
Whistling like the twilight air
Across the stretch of voice
In this all fatiguing discontent
of prolonged nights.

Let me be polished
to shine with you.
If your love is close to this heart
and I must live off,
Let me be able to eke out
In faded passion
some nostrums
of ebullient vitality.
And if love must be lively evermore,
Let me feel it an eternal boon
conquered by faith.

All over the moving shadows of mine,
To resurrect the limbs of senses,
Gently touching
as the soul’s touch upon the heart,
With lights of ardent love
You’ve redeemed
my mind with pure lights of eternity.

I should have forsaken you,
in stark unbosomed secrets, when I was mazed;
Silence nurtured me.

Let me hear echoes of
Song of praise tonight
Bursting into my ears
And stretching deep down to my fuller core
And extending of conscience
To a far-reaching inspiration
Oh, the prime mover of the Eternal!
For some extremely strange reasons, I want to meet you.

Take me to a place less travelled
For here I travel travelled roads
Unfortunate and fruitless;
let me distance like the rush of wind.
Take me to the distance
For here roads are short and much travelled;
I like the distance among roads.

He does not utter a word, his silence
whispers and disentangles
touching all over creation.

Before long the time will elapse by,
in a gasp of air
like a Tavern’s moment long felt lost.
Experience! For life’s not sure
to come up one more time,
beating the bongo of deathlessness.

In vivid, articulate croons
of expressive words
Aroused a promising voice
voice of yours
through a faint beat of dark corner,
Wherefrom I latched on
To a neon green
of providential side.

Mingled in the twittering
of birds,
blither sky hums air,
A beauteous note is added
To the furthest degree
In the lips of the gracious Earth;
A buoyant surge of harmony is
given birth to
In the extent of blushing
rays of the Sun.

Not subject to disappearances his love
stridden over to fruition;
It is always full!
Appeared to touch divinity,
His love is spirited evermore.
Sustained by passion and care,
Resolute heart and profound reliance,
His love is a never-passing soul

The orange flush breaks through
the dim skies of the dawn.
The twittering birds move
from pillar to post, through the air.
Mountains on the north,
colored between the extremes of black and white looks blushing.
A fresh breeze’s passing
through the window
beaconing for a fresh start

Do not restrain him
from proceeding to the destiny
he never wishes to cease.
To retain his goals,
teach him great values.
He’s way off to go—
from the old to the new.
Do not feed him ideas
you never want him to grow with.
Plant seeds you wish
he carries through generation:
the seeds of knowledge,
some fresh insights
into the minds of curiosity.
He is the symbol of valor,
a victor you will see
as he grows.

And yet
looked down upon,

Much pains
has been taken,
Given in
the whispering soliloquy,
our psalm
of silent peace,

To shape us as a writer,
To build an aura apt to count;
To garner this spirit
never possessed,
In thought of a better day,

Peace’s strayed,
the inner quiet’s lost.

little by little,
in the unbounded void
soars this heart,
these vital breaths
of my feelings.

Aspiring to touch the limitless,
It frequents the space
with empty words.

Just flowing…
Just flying…
In prayerful silence.

Seldom has love faded away,
When the heart’s swayed
the directions taken, with all its purity;
For love betides through the soul,
through the divinest inside
the sublimest of all.
For love is the stream
to quench the thirst
of the heart
lost far and wide
in wanderings.

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