Memory of Dawn, 1994


Amy Jude Keaton*

Silver mists clung to the spirits of trees.
We wandered the primeval forests,
Hand in hand with our destinies.

Our futures spread before us:
Draped in blackest shadow,
Bathed in darkest blood and sorrow.

But then, the dawn was bright as dreaming,
Then, our hearts were filled with love,
Ere the killing and the scheming
And the hatred were conceived of.

Then, we lived in peace and harmony,
And were as we were meant to be,
And as we will again become
When long lost love welcomes gypsies home.

[*Amy Jude Keaton is a writer of fiction and poetry currently living in Kansas.  She has earned a Masters of Arts degree in English and Creative Writng at Kansas State University and attended the Inland Northwest Center for Writers at Eastern Washington University.  She is currently teaching at Donnelly College in Kansas City Kansas.]

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