Mother’s Love

Kumari Pokhrel Regmi
Syracuse, USA

A mother’s love is priceless

 I find it hard to explain

The sacrifice and pain!


A mother’s love for her baby

Begins with the positive

Pregnancy test

She is willing to risk her life

To get her baby out

healthy and alive!


Once the baby joins this world

Mothers feel the biggest blessings

That one could ever have

The first hold on the arms

Make her forget

All the pain and sufferings!


The sleepless nights

Singing lullabies

Hearing babies gurgle and sigh

Holding their babies

Tightly near to their heart!


A mother remains patient

And forgiving

A grateful gentle soul

With caring, guiding and

Loving hands

That shape the baby

Into all she knew

they could be!


Before I became a mother myself

I was curious of

How did she find that energy?

To do all the things she does


Now I find its

the inexhaustible

Mother’s Love!



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