My God

Kshitiz Adhikari
Ohio, America                                           

I don’t know
I don’t know,
If there’s god or not
I believe in god
But I don’t know.
I don’t know where god is
I haven’t met god
Everyday I see
My grandpa prays and worships,
Statues and pictures of
God and goddess
Sometimes I also do
But still,
I haven’t seen any existing god
I’m confused.

My grandma always tells me,
There’s god and he will help us
In each and every step of life
God is always with us
When we’re in difficulties.
I still don’t see god
I’m still confused.

I found,
Only my parents in my difficulties,
They’re in my sorrow and pain
They enjoy my happiness too.
I found out only the real
Existing gods are my parents
So believing in God means
To believe in parents
Believing gods means
To believe in parents
The real gods are our parents.

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