Poems of Welkin Siskin: Series 5

Welkin Siskin lives in Seattle, Washington. He is the poet of varied nature, who writes on various themes. Poetry for him is the healing ointment of a heart destitute of vision. 

He believes that poetry is the play of words, the change of verbs into nouns; the game of words surging through the heart's inside. 
His poetry is the yearning for freedom, love, life, and the expression of the Nature that adorns the Universe- the mysterious eternity of the Infinite.

Welkin Siskin
Washington, America

1) A Wish
Be it abler for me to spread love
Be it abler for me to spread peace,
Compassion, empathy of the heart’s hub
For the most part, or if not, at least;
But let me be abler.

2) Create Soul
For it the inner part of feeling die
There a soulless force lie
In thy being.
Why do you boost of
If thy souls seek no light, no love.
Create in You soul, the light
By way of which the universe delight.

3) Sly Emotions
Why must we give in to sly mind,
The mind of ego and avarice?
Our minds are not the story of the fine
You may not win the quiz
Of the workings of mind.

4) Time and Endurance
He sustains shambling past
And he sustains rushing present
And in the future he shall last
Like the beauty that is omnipresent.
For he knows not if he has not toiled lot
And he knows not if he has not endured the present,
And knows not if those days have not sweats brought
And he knows not if those difficult time he has not crossed—those hard lanes

5) This is All
This is all—to love you
With armful of passion
And undying vitality.
This is all— to undergo a robust feelings
Of love, unbroken and unhindered.

6) Guile and Ego Consciousness
It’s disenchanting to taste but the sly part of man’s intelligence.
For man acknowledges
not its filthier steps
Upon which you tread.
It is a quirky stance of a man— the ego consciousness.

7) Claims are Not Futile
He aspires for what’s beautiful
Among the selected from the plentiful.
Claims could not be futile
Though life’s claims are all.
He has set fire to dreams
reaching the claims.

8) The Unique
Even when the darkest of night falls,
And the whole slew of stars vanish in the clusters of clouds,
And even if the foreboding fate of tide dulls
And if the brutal darkness the earth beauty enshrouds,
Where from thou art begotten
Is crystal clear and the fount unmatched,
Where the beauty of things shall not shun
To detest ugliness, and gorgeousness fetch.
Where is the beauty and ugliness the heart sense coming from
With redolence of things so catchy
Where is the fount of total sum
Of filthier things, and first-rate sublimity?

9) Silence
Though there is nothing gained in not doing,
Not doing has a silent break
To rest one’s body, mind and cross further heights.
There is a limit to things,
And if things go the other way around,
It is safer to not do than doing.

10) Everything Holds Hope
The brook mingles with the sea and sea to ocean,
A fraction of a second so to hours and infinity,
And thus a hapless situation to hope you may earn,
How on earth could not one be?
Wilderness wind touches the leaves of my life,
And the sun’s ray dances before me,
And 0, how beauteous the rife
That has taken me to undergo hope’s degree.
There is hope in the new,
There is hope in doing
Many lose, win a few
In there going.

11) The Gripped Voice
Many hours have passed, and so many days,
And tho’ silence nurtures him there is no delight,
For to have delight one has to have voices,
To unwind darkness and set into light.

12) The Disentangled Voice
There is a gripping voice,
Echoed from the boughs of the alpines,
And in this beauty the hearts rejoice
Knowing no bounds, crossing the lines
The moon have opened up gateway through
The cloud cluster,
The heavens delight in the light,
And this heart goes lured
As they spread lights bright.
The stars have spread to the wilderness,
And the ocean to the unending vast,
The more you know nature’s beauty you know less;
For they in poet’s minds forever last.

13) Uncovering You
The time has his fist unclenched
And the pulse has passion opened
And the heart do make a scratch
To find the beauty in you and learn.

14) Fervor
Fervors have risen in this heart
To never evermore from you part,
And if parting befall
To cross everything and all.

15) A Beg
Instill that fate in me, my lord,
Let me forever shine on righteous path
And mold the string of cord
To ever cross stumbling block and aftermath.

16) Uncovered Beauty
Tethered sun does in day smile,
And the darkness-swallowed dawn,
Where do they from hail
Spreading brightness across the lawn?

17) A Dream
Capering between eyebrows
A dream comes,
Hoping to grasp the essence of life,
Rushing to find the nature of beast
Out of love, passion and out of where things beget.

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