Poems of Welkin Siskin: Series 9

Welkin Siskin lives in Seattle, Washington. He is the poet of varied nature, who writes on various themes. Poetry for him is the healing ointment of a heart destitute of vision. 

He believes that poetry is the play of words, the change of verbs into nouns; the game of words surging through the heart's inside. 
His poetry is the yearning for freedom, love, life, and the expression of the Nature that adorns the Universe- the mysterious eternity of the Infinite.

Welkin Siskin
Washington, America

1) A Paradox
Many things  must be defied with or it may die
As well as other things, or it may die.
To let things be extant, one must query
With a canister of wine in the lee
Being a man with manliness at heart
To never evermore be at part
With every call of time
To create a new chime
Filled with humanity,
Filled with beauty.
For reasons create the soul of beauty.
2) Fate
Lost—bewildered, stranded and adrift
In its haunting ghost of the dream,
I have come along
Going through the odds and ends
Of deep avalanche of life.
Many a time that led me to dearth,
Had been by virtue of no-good political-fate.
Yet I moved on to tread on the prints
Of those that ushered me to see lights.
3) Platonic Love
Love alone leaves in us an imprint,
Taste love—taste it from the heart—it’s not fling.
The refuge is but love and the creation too,
And we with love alone pass through
The darker alley; count love as supreme truth
For God is love, and so is the ultimate fruit.
4) In Peaceful Haven
In those fields of peace
Why do disheartening, deafening clatter jolt
Like a sound of a lightening bolt
To simply get held of power and seize?
Why do peace stands stagnant and tasteless
When the world eyes at it
And feel the woes more often breathless.
To shine perhaps around the cosmos
To get rid of those weaponry foes
Should our existential mantra be
To live in harmony, joy, love and peace.
5) Hope
Left to the blue to purl,
To wave those passions,
Left to delight in,
in the final be smooched by
those vast deep,
Left to ultimately dissolve
In the blue, his life,
Caught the sight of the unfathomable.
Under the tannish brown moon,
In the sunken depths of worlds
He left his hope to the blue—
6)  Life Remains Naive to Attain Truth
In  life various things we woo,
We caper to the crescendos
Heard of and never heard of
This happens by virtue of love.
Any yet we caper, get tipsy, intoxicated and gamboled,
we are led with Time’s
Play to dramatize our life
in the stage of ignorance.
7) Wishing Life
We sing our lullabies
To the stardust
And plant our hearts
To kiss the moon.
We sow the light of hope
Across a prism,
Distance to the furthest
To gather testament of life,
To find a gospel of truth.
We sing psalms of life thus:
Hungered after things unknown,
Leaving behind void souls, astray
And stark unbeknownst, of our existence.
8) A Glimpse to Life
You are born for a moment
To simply be lost to the dust again.
And yet this is the truth,
We know not what is life’s fruit.
To distance from fulfillment—
The purpose, the goal and enlightenment,
To muddy our eyes with what’s befitting for us
To dirty our souls, shattering our hearts thus.
9) Mark the Point
Forget all stark as bad potent
And cross no such difficult lane.
Forget all the tides and potent elfin
And a lively, spirited life gain.
Forget the past, the dancing of tides as dust,
Forget that all which make a fuss,
And live the moment with delight
Giving at all corner the light.
10) Impatience
The more the forgotten
Impatience, the dusk-shrouded
No-moon night come,
The more the impatience grows,
The dusk and no-moon tide shroud.
But equally the impatience brings
The moonlit, light-cast tides.

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