Remembrance Never Dies

Thugten Dorji Drukpa/ Denmark

Unveil your bygone days
You find every minute,
every moment
Worth enough to be counted
In times,
Many changes prevail:
Your thoughts,
Places, friends and else more.
Old leaves wither,
Ever smiley flowers fade
Spring ends
And life passes away
But forever
There still survives remembrance
In one’s heart and memory
Yes! For sure,
Love and remembrance never dies.

2 Replies to “Remembrance Never Dies”

  1. Nawaraj Gajmer

    Dear Thugten,
    Really nice creation man. I am upto date with ur creation. I used to wait to read ur creation. All the best man. Go ahead with much more creation.

    Close mate,
    Nawaraj Gajmer,

  2. Dom


    I guess I am reading you late in these lines. So much said in so few words. …And thats what rememberance is-delicate, sanguine and lesser could be eulogized even with those flowers of profuse smiles.

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