Secret of Rebirth

Dilliram Bista

Death and rebirth are no more than the process of Energy Renewal.

Rebirth is taking place every second of every day in our day-to-day life, but we have been unaware by ignoring it. Rebirth is a mandatory phenomenon in the realm of creation. If we breathe in, we are compelled to breathe out, and this takes place continuously until our death. Each breath renews our energy.

We can realize this if we consider our breath, which is essential in our moment-to-moment life. When we breathe in, we say, we ‘inspire’ air, which is the renewal of energy and means new life. On the other hand, when we breathe out, that is old breath, which is ‘expired’ air. We call someone ‘expired’ when they die. So here, we can clearly see or realize that we are reborn again and again.

Let us go further with another phenomenon, which is more noticeable. We are continuously born and die every moment, every day. As we wake up in the morning, we are born new and fresh and renewed is available for the day. When we are tired and lacking energy, then we go to sleep at night, like an old person, exhausted and weak as well. When we wake up the next morning, we are new and energetic for the day.

In the final dissolution, the process is the same as we grow weak and tired from the long duration of time. Just as at the end of the day or the end of the inspired breath, we transform ourselves and renew the energy for another day or life. It is Mother Nature executing her Natural Law for everything to goes in a circle or cycle.

In the Nepali language, we say ‘Nindra,’ meaning ‘sleep’ and ‘Nidhan’ for death. Both these words have the same root, and that clearly shows that sleep and death are similar.

So after ‘Nindra’ as we wake up in the morning renewed of energy, we also wake up after ‘Nidhan,’ after death, as a newborn baby, the ultimate renewing of energy. Death and rebirth are the gradual processes of renewal of life energy.

Death is like surgery done by Mother Nature by injecting the anesthesia of losing consciousness as we become unconscious while dying. She then operates to transmigrate the soul into a newly forming body in a womb. It is kept in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) of the womb for a certain number of days or months. In humans, it takes nine months until discharge from ICU.

This is one way of understanding the cycle of life, the renewal of energy.

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