Short poems of Welkin Siskin

Welkin Siskin lives in Seattle, Washington. He is the poet of varied nature, who writes on various themes. Poetry for him is the healing ointment of a heart destitute of vision. 

He believes that poetry is the play of words, the change of verbs into nouns; the game of words surging through the heart's inside. 
His poetry is the yearning for freedom, love, life, and the expression of the Nature that adorns the Universe- the mysterious eternity of the Infinite.

Welkin Siskin
Washington, America

1. Life and Time
Life akin to death sometime be
And Time as always cannot be
And however further the horizon,
Life cannot be further as it is.
Slipping out of hand goes the time
Goes like dust bunnies forever;
In one rhythm does the life thus fade
Like the withered old days.

2. Heart Song
Sing the songs of heart
For none knows when to depart
From this life;
thou shall vex to the stranger
When to its mouth art thou lured.
Life is precarious and time elapsing
None knows where does the magic end
Yet we walk akin to time eavesdropping
the stories of joy and sorrow, righteousness and sin.
Our life is mundane without music
And if not we, as usual, flick
through the pages of life,
We shall not as time revive.

3. Truth
We drop and fall to the ground of truth,
And we shall as trees reap fruit
Of beauty, of ugliness, and untruth.
For tree of life searches its fruit.

4. Wings of Dreams
The twilight went with a faint bit of glow
and sunk in the smother of darkness,
And the dusk withered with time-tick,
And the groans of heavens started,
And the world became devoid
Of passion
And thus the day ended but not the darkness

But the heart longed for a spirit
Darting and wandering
That carried wings of dreams

5.  A Sire’s Lament
In the realm of haven, safer and better,
Got ample benedictions of a people,
Played popular politics and took over all,
Won victory over elections, and causes,
But they put a question over my rule.
The degrees put on me
Were petty, for I dreamt of world
Devoid of hate, ills, lies, and scathe.
I for one reign as sire despite all agitation, upheavals and hate that came out of the blue.

6. Life
Life readies to flow like a river
Extending over a pathways of time
And it does then shiver
On the way to make a chime.
Hardship, despite many attempts come,
We are with the wrist of tides flown
Taking no heed of some
Caring the other attempts shunned
In our doings meantime.

7. Innocence
Innocence, a beauty fragile and soft,
Tenderer to the core- it captures sense.
Innocence, a gift so long waited,
Innocence an omen so unforeseen,
It fades in no time.

8.  A Seeking
The emptiness hasn’t unraveled
from the hands
Of a tangled shadow.
I stroll around the night pathways
under this hazy sky.
I am prepared to hearken you
secretly whispering to me
that you’re coming
to destroy this murk
of untold misery.

9. Mind
Mind—it is that which sets heart to feel,
It is mind that leads you to understand
And through the existence of mind alone we know
Things to distinguish falsehood and truth;
Mind is not surreal: it is not brimmed over with false notion, its existence is felt— through consciousness, conscience and knowledge we possess.
We wither bits by bits— limbs by limbs, hair by hair, face by face
And do we then feel faded
But the more we age, the more do our minds grow—it grows with every falling into decline of body.
The mind observes, hypothesizes, behold pictures and create ideas;
These ideas are sustainers, especially good ones: it sustains us from the indolence of the vast;
It is mind that sets us into actions,
And thus it is the source of swaying
Through the indolence of the vast.

10. Soul
Our avid souls experiencing
and aspiring to a need of diverse forms, colored wishes,
and unfazed by the winds of varied nature,
Move with unrhythmic patterns,
Wanders like a welded gathering
Of breeze—from land to sea, sea to land.
Our bodies simply forgo touches;
Our soul capers in light, unseen and unknown, like the zephyr of Fall.
And flowingly it touches, experiences, feels, tastes, and behold everything— like the unfettered species.

11. Dharma
Dharma, if with lust for things go,
then a miserably adverse situation lo!
Will prevail:
we shall have no rules to play by,
no ambitions to grasp,
And in the ways of trap
We fall; our tapers of hope
For humanity dwindles.
Dharma is the code of conduct for life, a genuine one, to experience life in totality.

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