The Day I Left Her



Jalan Bhandari Adelaide,Australia I was so proud of her. She was my heart, She was my creator, She was my savior, And she was my courage. She was unshaken, with wars of gun Under the scorching sun And the freezing snow, The dense evergreen forest, Eyed by great Himalayas And ruled by the whips of tyrant. I was  planning to abandon, I was planning an aimless trip To become a foreigner Either to Europe or America, Either to Canada or Australia, Either to India or  Nepal, Where I knew nothing of life, She was still and firm Like the northern star, She was calm as water, Neither she cried Nor she laughed, Neither she 
waved Nor she bowed her head, Neither the mournring blood Nor she had heartfelt thanks, But she stood as liberty statue. I as a defeated constable, Loaded with paraphernalia, Set forth my trembling foot For no fixed celebrex and hearing loss destination To be born in a new nation.

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