The Purpose

R N Pokharel / CA, USA

Every morning-evening
Till date from my first day,
I’m adding words to complete
An invitation, to The Death agent.
I don’t know how many more-
Words I need to accomplish!
How long I should and can?
But, cock sure, I should- send it.

Perhaps, the agent, is waiting-
Has reached my door step;
Or standing by side near my bed.
I haven’t have aim so small, that
One accuses me of crime.
I lived. I’m living. I shall or not
But, the purpose is to live and remain alive.
In object would it;
I would see and touch. Even hug.
Of course, impractical.
It is in Verbs,
I too. That’s common.
It can mail me any time;
I see, the road ahead is in length.

The purpose has in box up
Unseen pleasure, merrymakings and,
Bliss of new comers-
And sanguine hope of my tiny great nation.
I am sent in a flat balloon form,
With a purpose-
To be filled and fly high above my horizon.
Yes, verbs I am using
With all possible verbs I am.

I see rocks growing
With vested wish lodged
In front of my tracks.
I see rivulets of yester days
Become rivers,
Longing ferries- verb made.
Rocks I need to cross,
Ferries I need to provide,
Aptly, using all my verbs
Before the Invitation is accepted
And remain alive.

3 Replies to “The Purpose”

  1. Dom N. Kafley

    “I see rocks growing
    With vested wish lodged
    In front of my tracks”……

    Rocks I need to cross……

    I feel it catchy. I maintained my nick of time flowing. Thank you very much.

  2. Ganga Uprety

    R N Sir,each word of your poem,to me,is encouraging and influencing.Keep writing and run the motto of encouragement to all readers and writers.

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