Traditional Education vs Online education
Liba Limbu Alaska, USA In the modern society, due to the rapid growth of technologies and internet, a new kind of education system is introduced – online education. As a matter of fact, the online education has become popular among students and teachers due to its flexible class hours and availability disregarding geographical locations. On the other hand, it is not able to produce as good impression as traditional education in the modern societies. Despite being accepted
employers, many help write essay for me scholars question its credibility. The reason behind this is that it is hard to accept the online education as authentic as the conventional education. In addition, it cannot provide as much education and facilities as traditional education. Also, the students who do not have access to internet cannot attend the online education. Education is one of the crucial components to develop a society, a country and the world. Without its presence, none of the societies can show right paths for their people to walk. Ultimately, the lack of education in the society results to collapse and destruction of the society. Since then, realization of importance of the education in one’s life, people have been developing and decorating their countries with the finest education institutions. In this beautiful journey, people have innovated online education to fulfill the contemporary demands of education in students’ life. This happened, fortunately, only due to the growth of internet in the modern society. As soon as this education system was introduced, its popularity started soaring up among students and teachers. It cialis medscape is a new kind of education system, in this society, which was introduced in mid nineties. In the mean time, there is doubt among teachers, students, and people that the impression of the online education is inferior to the conventional education. Some scholars question the credibility of the online education. Due to more reading oriented courses, lack of face to face contact with teachers and students, existing challenges with computer programs, and hard to prove it as cheat proof course on the online education, the online education cannot command as impressive result as the conventional education. Thus, the online education is not as credible and fruitful as the conventional education. Even though online education reaches to everywhere disregarding places and it benefits the students, people have started to question its credibility. One of the fears among scholars is that, due to hard to identify the cheat proof tests on the online education, the online education will not be as authentic as the traditional education. There is no such device that determines whether the tests or exams submitted by students are their hard work or cheatings. According to the Jennifer Widom, the chairwoman of the computer define viagra science department at Stanford University, after looking at students’ perfect scores says, “There were definitely people getting multiple accounts and using some to practice and the other to get a perfect score”(New York Times, 2012). Basically, due to this reason, the credibility of the online class is inferior to the conventional education. The students who use many accounts to obtain grades destroy the reputation of the honest students. Due to this circumstance, people cannot completely perceive online education as a prestigious education online live homework help institution. Similarly, the online education is more writing oriented than speaking, which is a downfall of the online education. It is definitely necessary for college graduates to master or sharpen their writing abilities. But it does not specifically mean that the education should primarily stress on students’ writing ability; it should equally focus on speaking as well writing techniques. Unfortunately, the online education mainly promotes and develops writing skills. Unknowingly, the online education is promoting the students’ writing capacities rather than supporting “student’s own voice” (Solberg, 2011). Rarely on online classes, in order viagra generic to develop speaking capacity, there are some “synchronous web conference” classes, which is not enough. In this modern society, in order to place oneself as an educated person in a society, it is crucial to develop and nurture speaking and writing style. It is necessary for
a graduate student to articulate their views and speak coherently on different subject matters. Although it fosters the writing capability of students, the online education partially build the speaking power in students. Obviously, it misses one of how to write a case report the significant factors of education which in turn cannot produce fruitful result as the traditional education. In addition, most students attend universities to experience a college life. It is also the one of the places where students meet their best friends. In particular, college life enables good transition for students from an immature life to an educated and matured life. Also, the students are more likely to interact with other students and their professors. This activity, interacting with various people, will consistently develop their abilities to properly interact with other people. It helps them to properly interact with real people and tackle real problems in real world. While taking an online course, students have to solely work their selves; if fortunate they get help from other students. It is hard to get prompt response from professor as well. The students have to wait until next class to discuss problems with professors. Basically, the college experience, interaction with various people, and prompt response from the teachers make the conventional education impressive in this sophisticated society. It is obvious that the success of online education solely depend on the instructors’ and students’ computer skills. Lack of sufficient amount of computer skills among teachers and students led to the failure of the course. Similarly, it requires special kind of software in computer to attend the online education. Sometimes it is expensive to upgrade that kind of software in the computer. So, in case, if students cannot afford the required software, they cannot attend the online education. Also, the distinguished professors who are not familiar with teaching materials, for instance minimum computer knowledge, cannot clearly present their ideas on prescribed topics of the course as in the conventional education. Furthermore, the online education provides educational opportunity to all students throughout the entire world regardless geographical locations and jobs, but it also creates many obstacles for online students simultaneously. Usually many online students have full-time jobs, but there still exists financial matters. In order to consistently progress on their study, they need a raise on wages or promotion on jobs. It cannot happen all the time, which results to students’ failing or quitting college. In addition, family issues, employers’ support, and relevance of their study have huge influence on college dropout rate. Fluctuating or drastically cialis online changing one of the above factors leads to the students’ withdrawing from the college. So, these factors lead to the higher dropout on the online education than the conventional education. This scenario might create fear among students spy tricks cell phone about the untimely withdrawal from the college or failure of the courses, which makes the online education inferior to the conventional education. In the same way, technical difficulties with computers and colossal waste of time on internet without studying are negative points of the online education. Students might restrict themselves from using too much internet, but they do not have absolute control over the malfunction of the computer and the “course management platform” (El Mansour, 2007). According to a study taken from forty one students who attended online courses,it is hard to concentrate on reading during the online classes and very hard to keep personal touch with instructors for online students. Also, any problem that occurred on a computer or internet prevents students from attending classes. The online education takes place only due to the availability of the internet and computer. Similarly, the student expresses the actress in viagra commercial pitfall of online education, “It takes more time to e-mail or post a question on the discussion board and wait for a response” (El Mansour, 2007). It may be argued that the online education is better than conventional education for students because it provides opportunity to attend a school and get a degree for full time day working students, and distant students. However, the convenience to attend an educational institution does not guarantee a qualitative and prolific education. The quality of education depends upon how effectively an educational institution flourishes education among the students. The traditional education effectively provides education to the students. So, the traditional education is superior to the online education. Finally, in this modern society, the traditional education fulfills every aspects of education comparing to the online education. The traditional education is the best option for students to place themselves as educated people in this sophisticated society. Although the online education provides good opportunity to students, it lacks some of the fundamental components of the education. For instance, the online education mostly focuses on writing than speaking, which is one of the downfalls. Similarly, it provides a rare occasion for students to interact with professors and other students, and it is only possible with the access to internet. The students who do not have privilege to internet and technology cannot participate in the online education. So, the traditional education provides education to everybody regardless students’ residence and access to the modern technology. It is the best option to achieve decent education in the modern society.
El Mansour, B.M. (2007). Students’ positive and negative experiences in hybrid and online classes. College student journel, 41(1), 242. Solberg, M. (2011). Educating the citizen of academia online? International review of research in open and distance learning, 12(4), 77-87. a2ea4c1991bd%40sessionmgr104&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=eric&AN=EJ927012 Tamar, L. (2012). Beyond the college degree, online educational badges. The New York Times. Retrieved April 7, 2012, from the-college-degreee-online-education-badges.ntml?scp=1&dp=online/20educationst=cse. Taylor, R. W. (2002). Pros and cons of online learning – a faculty perspective. Journal Of order essay European Industrial/Training, 26(1). doi: 10.1108/03090590210415876. Zirkle, C. (2001). Access barriers in distance education. Contemporary Education, 72(2), viagra online generic 39- 39+.