Bozena Helena Mazur-Nowak comes from Poland, Opole but since 2004, she has been living in the UK. She is a poet, writer, and translator and has published six volumes of poetry; three in Polish and three in English. She is also a contributor to numerous worldwide anthologies.

In 2014 she tried herself in prose and published her very first short story collection ''Doom''. Later another collection ''Interrupted life'' and a novel ''Blue cottage'' were published. Winner of many awards, diplomas, and statuettes, she translates polish poets into English and international poets into Polish. Her poetry was translated into English (by herself), French, Swedish, Spanish, Italian Telugu, Arabic, Russian languages. She is a pilgrim and an eternal dreamer.

Bozena Helena Mazur-Nowak

We create beauty with words
they are not cliched by time, eternity will not fray their edges
their message shines like a torch in the dark night
the message carries with it its splendor
sometimes words will become a beautiful story
their echo reverberates by breaking the silence
they will reflect with beauty in our souls
giving nice warmth despite the cold around
everything is possible you just need to dream
the pen carries thoughts straight out of the heart and onto paper
sadly, when we cannot find the words to express ourselves
sometimes, somewhere, someone reaches for the sword

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