Write my histories with the blood

Jeetan Muskan

You blame me as a terrorist
You name me as a terrorist
You have broken my yokes
You have killed my ox
I was arrested
While I was tilling
the golden sand
You had gun in your hands
You forcefully evicted me
You have written only your histories
making my stories incorrect
-seized my properties
-raped my mum and sister
-snatched my citizenship
Oh! But don’t think
I will become coward,
I will commit suicide.
Rather, pressing my heart with fingers,
I will begin
I will write my histories with blood

One Reply to “Write my histories with the blood”

  1. Puranaghare

    It sounds very agressive to the correct point. Let you pen reververate more in the smae subject matter.

    Your poetry is worth enchanting in the public in loudspeaker. I belive one day Prakash Dhamala may be reading this poem in the Radion Bhutan. The day come more sooner the more you write this types of poems

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