धोकाको तिम्रो भण्डारमा

जोगेन गजमेर/ अष्ट्रलिया

धोकाको तिम्रो भण्डारमा
अरु जे छ देऊ मलाई
चोटहरु सबै बटुलि
अझै देऊ मलाई
धोकाको तिम्रो भण्डारमा
अरु जे छ देऊ मलाई

तिम्रो माया ईश्वर नै सम्झी बेदिमा सजाएथेँ
दिप जलाई मेरो मायाको म पूजा सधैं गर्थेँ
मन मन्दिर उजाडी गयौ तिमी चोटहरु दिएर
बाँकी जे छ अरु दिई हाल बरु यो रित्तो मन्दिरमा सजाऔँला
धोकाको तिम्रो भण्डारमा
अरु जे छ देऊ मलाई

पाप छ भनि तिम्रो मुटुमा सोचेको थिएन मैले
जिन्दगीमा धोकाको शङ्का  गरेको थिएन कहिले
तिम्रो पापी  मुटुले यो के दियो, नदेऊ  भन्दिन
भन के छ अझै राखूँला सबै दुखेको यो मनलाई थिचेर
धोकाको  तिम्रो भण्डारमा
अरु जे छ देऊ मलाई

8 Replies to “धोकाको तिम्रो भण्डारमा”

  1. Mangala Sharma

    Wonderful poem. I have known you for many years but i was not aware of your hidden talent. I hope you will continue to write.

    With best wishes,

    Your friend.

    Mangala Sharma

  2. Catika

    This is an interesting poem from Jogen Sir. Back to career Mr. Jogen is not a poet but he has many poetic capacities which may give a good cognition to him and support to the Bhutanese Literature..

    This poem preetymuch is very scrutonized and the combination of good subjectivities and Experiences, but it has lacked a little bit of lingustic polishing, I would say. Mr. Gazmer is a highly learned man in English. His English has productive seeds to show in the field of Bhutanese Literature. I wish I could also write English as good as he does. Dears Friends in the readers diaspora, we are proud of Bhutanese Literature dot come because we have started getting the thought and philosophies of our socially towerred and intellectually reputed figues just because of our readings. Let us hope that good writers who are in their dormant stage will come forward in the site in the future days,. Like Bhola Shapkota, Bhola Timsina, Dilliram Ghemiray, Bhakta Ghimire, Gita Prasad Ghimire Shivalal Dahal, Seru Udash, Balaram Poudel, Yam Thulung, Mani Ram Dhimal, and many others are not appearing in the site, this is a real need for us to get their continuity being read in the Bhutanese Literature.

    Dear activists in the site !! others writers will join your good initiation and we will have a big place to admire reading. Did you think that we readers have the thirst to see Jigme Gassar Namgyal publishing his articles in the site? Barak Obama will join our reading circle, and we will only be conted whan you are read in all the conners of the globe.

    Bring us more combinations, aditional flavors, multiples dynamics, and standard level. Please work more in the lingustice and poetic liscences and give a the more powerful articles in the future,so that we will remember you when we hold our daily bread in the site.

    Long Live http://www.bhutaneseliterature.com

  3. Pardeshitara

    I am sure that everybody will enjoy your creation because you have started writing in mother toungue. Please bring some more and give us a chance to taste the falvor of profound thoughts and potiential capabilaties like yours. I wish you, all the best of luck. Thubs up for this!

  4. Jogen G.

    Thanks for your comments and they are appreciated. By putting my plain creation under the literary microscope, Catika is scaring me and I feel like running away [No, I am just kidding]. I must ask all to bear with me for I am sharing my creations, which are absolutely amateur and un-mentored ones. These are mere outputs of my hobby that I had during the school and university days. I had opted music as a form of expression in my youthful days. I use to write lyrics for my songs and that’s what I am trying to share with you all. And all of them are simple and plain. I am immensely enjoying reading many creations in Bhutaneseliterature.com as they are original and some are very compelling. I believe each creation has its own parameters and settings to start with, and it has its own unique situation to originate from and flow its natural course of story line.
    When I was held in solitary confinement in Rabuna Central Prison, putting together words and tunes for a new song was my favorite means of passing the time. I couldn’t come up with any revolutionary song, but I did some numbers. The next ‘geet’ that I am going to share in the coming days is the one that I did during my university days in Kandy in Sri Lanka. My good friend Mangala [who studied in the same university] will say again – “Hey, you never shared this”. Relating to this particular ‘geet’, once my cousin brother had to argue with on young artist in Government College in Darjeeling, because that artist was presenting my song as his own composition. The ‘geet’ is “Sirani Bhijyo …” . Thanks

  5. Durga Giri

    We are proud of you Jogen sir. Your poem has reminded me of our childhood days. We have to revive our literature which was brutally assasinated by the regime. No language, race and literature have national boundaries.Keep up your mission to support Bhuatnese literature.com. Keep contributing the numbers. You are a very creative person with many qualities bundled up togather.
    I wish people like Ambika Dulal,Gopal Ghimeray, Sushil Pokhreal also come forward to the dias to contribute their creations.

  6. TP Mishra

    Dear Jogen sir,
    Please accept my honest appreciations for your initiative to “break the long-maintained silence” publicly through a beautiful poem. Honestly speaking, I had never thought you were also a “great” poet besides what I was known to about your contribution to our great cause. The more I recite your poem, the more I like to read it. The more I generate its various meaning, the further I feel to sit down and write such beautiful poems, but to no avail.

    I wish such “betrayal” elements, as mentioned in the poem, will no more occupy space to weaken your potentialities. I don’t know if thats something a possible logic, but if you or anyone from within the Bhutaneseliterature.com site can translate this poem to English-language, it might take another good height. I know RN Pokhrel ji at the BL literature site is a potential person to do it, provided he has the consent from the “composer”.

    Personally, I can’t really wait to read more of such poems from Jogen sir.

  7. Yug Dabadi

    Jogen Sir,
    I had hoped that you would have some poems in stock and indeed you had them. You have created a impression of an amazing poet.
    Some more please…………………

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