
डिल्लीराम शर्मा आचार्य
क्रागेरो, नर्वे

नर्वेको रसरङ्ग,रुप रसिलो हेर्दा जतै झल्मल
वृक्षै रङ्रङका पहाडहरु छन् चट्टान छैनन् ठुला ।
मान्छेको मुख हुन्छ नित्य हसिलो मस्तिष्क राम्रो गरी
खेती छैन किसान छैन नत छन् श्रम् कारखाना भरी ।।

राजा छन् जन प्रेमका सुररिला प्रजाहरुका धनी
सत्तामा जनता रमेर विधिको स्वाराज गर्छन् थरी ।
दक्षिण्देखि लिएर उत्तरतिरै हेर्दा ठूलो पोखरी
घेरेको छ समुद्रले र टुकुरा देखिन्छ नाना थरी ।।

त्यस्माथि प्रतिविम्ब झैँ छ हिमको छेमाससम्म यहाँ
दण्डित् भैकन बाँच्नु पर्दछ अहो वृक्षै पशुले जहाँ ।
वर्षीँदा हिमको कठोर रसमा मूनाहरु मर्दछन्
पानी जाम्दछ काँच झैँ त्यसबखत मुर्छा अरु पर्दछन् ।।

पंक्षी औ पशुको विहालत हुने वृक्षैहरुको पनि
पत्ता झर्दछ शुन्य भै रुखमहाँ यस्तै छ है जीवनी ।
झूप्राको घर छैन भव्य महलै बत्ती हजारौं बली
देशै झल्मल हुन्छ फूलहरुले शोभा दिएको फुली ।।

यस्तो यो छ विशाल राष्ट्र यसमा मान्छे छ जा–जातको
धातूले परिपुर्ण छ प्रकृतिको हो देन, बर्दान यो ।
तोडी शैल पहाड मार्ग गतिला सुरुङ भित्री पनि
बत्तीले झलमल्ल पारिविधिको गुड्दो छ गाडी मुनि ।।

खानी तेल र सून ग्यासहरुले धप्धप् छ धर्ती यहाँ
थोरै हुन्छ जति बखान गरियो यो कर्म धर्ती महाँ ।
राजाको बल तेजले धनसबै लूटी लखेटे पनि
पायौं प्रेम छ,धन्य आश्रय दियौ चल्दै छ यो जीवनी ।।

2 Replies to “कर्मभूमि”

  1. puranaghare

    Sharma Ji,
    Namaskar and Thank you very much for this outstanding poem!!

    This poem is a cornerstone in the trend of Bhutanese Writing in Diaspora. We in majority are accustomed at writing the pathos of uprooted life and pains of atrocities that the society have survived in Bhutan, destitutions in the refugee camps in Nepal, anguses of fragmentation and resettlement related complexities in our writing in general. At time, we have been reading literature breaking our hearts into pieces of empathies; Mr. Sharma brought the new charms for amusement and optimism in this poem.

    While we wrote our pins in the exile and in the camps in Nepal, we were wise enough to illustrate the realities being polished and presented exclusively in literature. That was one of the greatest things we could have ever done. At present, we are cautiously writing about the general citation of Bhutanese lives in Diaspora there by sensitizing the deplorable memoirs of 1990s in Bhutan that we can’t be wiped throughout the existence.

    Like Mr. Sharma has written about the new environment worth acknowledging, we need to bring out the present life being experienced where we are, so Sharma ji did it. I really appreciate his writing and in addition, I would like to appeal personally to correlate this situation to the situation that we have experienced back in Bhutan and in Nepal. One thing very interesting is, the residual writing connecting the society life in three lands will project out a new perception with the panoramas of experiences and thinking that is coined with the art of Literature will surely boost the writing of letters.

    Our writing doesn’t necessarily determine our status; it should be an exact writing of the comprehension of society where we have already constituted with. Whatever we write, we will write for and about the society we live in! However we write, we will make it within the Bhutanese Literature!! Wherever we are, we are Bhutanese!!!

    Chirang Bhutan

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