Family split and Dashain: series- III

By T P Mishra

Sept 27: It is just few minutes back I am publishing this post from the time when thousands of Nepali-ethnic people inside refugee camps and in Bhutan start decorating their ‘foreheads’ with red and white teeka along with blessings from their parents and seniors. Let me repeat, I am missing it this time.

One Nepalese friend of mine, Raju Thapa, also president of Human Rights Without Frontiers – Nepal, had a chat with me yesterday who tried asking me how Hindu people inside Bhutan are going to celebrate this festival. Since then I tried contacting various sources inside Bhutan, but to no avail. Media, on the other side, inside Bhutan have been ignoring how Hindu people are observing this great festival. I did not find any reports regarding it in Bhutanese media. This is the other side of the state of press freedom in Bhutan.

I called my parents over telephone in temporary camps in Nepal just few minutes back; mom didn’t wished to talk to me for longer time—perhaps she was crying, suggesting me not to leave the ‘forehead’ vacated but to put teeka from elderly Nepali-ethnic Bhutanese staying near me. I left her my immediate agreement but I know I will have to get up early in the morning and rush to my office and also I have decided not to put teeka from others, except my own relatives—whom I don’t see around, this year to protest agency’s and concerned authorities’ ongoing practice to split the families in the name of resettlement.

It should not be read here that I do not want the culture and tradition to be preserved in a continual phase. I will leave no stones unturned for the protection and preservation of Hindu culture, particularly those we Nepali-ethnic community practice.

Family split could often lead to greater degree of frustration among oneself during the resettlement process. Let other TPs not get frustrated like him due to split cases in family. I don’t know how my next Dashain would go, but inform me if you have similar stories. I will give a thought to bring them to public light. Yet, I leave you all my best wishes for HAPPY DASHAIN and TIHAR!!! Jaya Durga mata!!!

Source: Journalism in Exile

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