I am peeping you via breathing in your breath

D N Kafle/ Australia

When in the gleaming moon I gaze so high
When in my plaintive, in my placid couch I lie
When drenched in the incessant and torrential rain
Scuffling my fantasy! I fancy thy phantom fan.
When am in the contempt of the discerning dark night
And beneath the sultry suns of summer’s day so bright
When I am so drunk in the sonnet and in prose
When in my errands and in bizarre bare jolts
When I am quivery of being rattled in my neck
When I am tangled by the brushwoods in my track
When oft in my closet and when oft in my barn
When under the shadows of the remorseless town
When lost in the gentle eve and amicable dawn
When I’ve lost the rarities of the glory of my own
When the earth transfixes the vigour of my lost spring,
Then, will I feel the whisper of the confidence of truth.
Then the solace contending my thirst, into life will it bring.
You, then, shalt see me peeping via breathing in your breath.

One Reply to “I am peeping you via breathing in your breath”

  1. Puskar and susil

    How come,we never knew the re-incarnation of William Shakeshpere in the beautiful Bhutan and this thought of his was roaming around us in our new country of adoption but least we thought that the search of literature is now over.If someone erects the “sahitya ko tara”he would be the crownless king in the world of literature.

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