Because you complete me

Devi Pokharel/Beldangi
I wouldn’t have lived till now
If you hadn’t come to me
I would have been lost else where
On the odyssey of misery of life.

You put me together with that love
Only now I can see the world
You make me what I am
So now you complete me.

We were two different souls
You put together, now we are one
Single beat of my heart resonates yours
For you complete me now.

It’s just your smile I need to see
It’s only you I want to feel
You put me on you together
So you complete me.

I’m too scared to let you go
I am afraid to lose you
Had your soul was not mine,
I’d never know where I would be.

All I have now are joys and happiness
And all my grieves and sufferings
Are now unwritten histories?
It’s because you complete me
You make me a whole.

5 Replies to “Because you complete me”

  1. Rup N Pokharel

    I liked the way how you have coined the idea and so aptly woven words to match the flow. Readers are expecting many more from you -Devi ! do help readers
    fulfill their thirst.

  2. Bhim Acharya

    This is what Iwant. Great poem. I want to request to poet to send some poems like this again. And hope I will get another poem soon.

    thank you very much,
    i want to be a regular reader of your is in simpel english so that each and every body can read out and now it.

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