Clandestine Tryst

Diwakar Dhakal
Kathmandu, Nepal 

I met a gentlelady
Who was more thoroughbred than the other lady
She was uncannily amiable and flamboyant
Who was surreally potent
Tried to befriend by urbane man
Where she got her dream gentleman

Leisurely, We started plunging in tryst
To know each other’s traits
By lying to consanguineous kinship
Slowly, we built a close-friendship
Often visiting rendezvous
Where she called it by “seraphic site”

Both of us were lovemongers
Utterly, mindful to engender a congenial element
By knowing idiosyncrasy and temperament
Delved in an ocean of courtship to be affluent
We took a pledge unconditionally
Started off assisting each other functionally
When one is in dire need
Both intended to embolden heed

Irrespective of time, situation and circumstances
We stand with immense stances
To show the entire world as robust
To take temerity with innocuousness
If any premonition happens
Then, we promptly furnished a snuggle
Which is a panacea, to every lovable counterpart

To annihilate imminent riddles
We consolidated the supporting systems
Earlier, it was a platonic figment of imagination
When it was non-disclosure ecstasy
Later, transform into matrimony
Which professed to entrench reality.

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