Commemoration of Lt. Bhanubhakta Acharya!!



I am talking about a man who has built medium of communication among the Nepali speaking people.  I am talking about a man who has laid the foundation of Nepali language and Literature. I am talking about a man who is in the heart of the generations following him. If you are guessing about Lt. Bhanubhakta Acharya, you are absolutely correct.

The Nepali Language unifier, Lt. Bhanubhakta Acharya was born in Tanahau District of Nepal in 1871 BS. He died leaving a big gap in the history of Nepali Literature in 1925 BS. Today, Bhanubhakta is being bloomed in the global sky of Nepali literature like a moon in the full moon day. He was a bee who worked with his soul, with his vivid power of linguistic, with his contemplating use of the frame of references, with his omnipotent bulk of poetic intellects to make a stack of honey in Nepali literature that is being delighted worldwide today.

He came to a country doomed linguistically and built pride. He came to a country dark and enlightened with the colors of language and panoramas of literature. He set the path of development of Nepali language with his vivid prospect. Today, Nepali language is in Europe, in USA, in Asia his home land, in Africa, in Australia, and so forth, but it didn’t carry the flag of Nation called Nepal. That is how, artists are beyond the boundaries encapsulated by the flag and enveloped by the border walls. The inspirations he had set living survives globally for centuries now. The language he had built stands today as the source of unity worldwide for Nepali speaking groups of people. The foundation of Nepali language and literature he laid stands undivided for centuries.

He is a high mountain of Nepali literature, the Mount Everest of Nepali Language. He is a golden scarf of significance of origination of Nepali language and literature. He had a goal, he achieved vividly. He had a vision, he sighted vividly. He had a dream, he fulfilled vividly. He had a road map for Nepali language and literature, he sketched vividly. His vision of language is sparkled in the mind of each Nepali individual. His Ramayana, one of the most sacred epics of Nepali literature is equally fastened in the tongue of Nepali men, women and children. His contribution in Nepali language and Nepali literature is worth adoring and pretty much notarizing.  He had sparkled literary motivation to many of the nations in the globe including Bhutan, where around 60 percent of the citizens speak the same Nepali language as their first language. He showed linguistic persuasions to the nations. He showed enlightenment to the Nepali literature. Thus, he germinated the seeds of civilization to the Nepali Diaspora.

Those of us who share his vision and lift up in honor today owe to him to build a permanent encyclopedia of Nepali literature – for the education for our children, for the solutions to our problems, for the resolutions to our differences, for the elevation of what is best about all Nepali speakers in the world.

On account of his 197th anniversary, for those of us who have been privileged to know this remarkable man, no medal, no award, no fortune, nothing we could give him, could possibly compare to the gift he had contributed to the Nepali language, to the Nepali Literature, and to the Nepali people.  The only gift that is true recompense could be to continue his mission and survive by the grace of his profound beginning. would like to share its pride celebrating this function there by remembering his invaluable contribution in the field of Nepali language and literature.

Last but not least, we thank for the participants of this especial publication and podcast, and would like to appeal the readers to be contented on what we could bring out, for sure; bear with us and we will bring more thriving delights with Bhutanese Literature in the days to experience.

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