
Chris Bodor is a US poet, who was born in 1967 in Connecticut to an English mother and a Hungarian father. After working for ten years in New York City, he moved to Florida in 2003. In August of 2009, Chris started hosting monthly poetry readings on the last Sunday of every month in St. Augustine, Florida. During the past 25 years, Bodor’s poems have appeared in many independent, small, and micro-press publications, such as the Lummox Journal, FM Quarterly, and Old City Life.

Chris Bodor
Florida, USA

December descends while
November disappears into the horizon
Weather worn scarecrows know
about the migration of snowbirds.

The hands of the clocks
tumble down the dark hole
while wrinkled work hands
with bloody knuckles
harvest crops.

Cucumbers become pickles
down in the root cellar
On Main Street gold plated plastic
is marked-up by wise merchandisers.

Cold turkeys get stuffed
on Last Meals of turnips, creamed onions, apologies
Underneath a hibernation blanket
a nation descends into December.

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