Farewell, Oh New Year!

Also called by Yati Raj Nyaupane, Yati Raj Ajnabee is an enthusiast of letters who had to leave his parents, siblings and his homeland in the first year of his teens in 1992. He, who was born in Surey, a village in Southern Bhutan, has been living in Australia since September 2008. The chap is convinced that the language and literature of a community reflect how far it has reached in the road to civilization. According to his inner man, underlining promotion and preservation of culture, language and literature in a foreign country when an exodus leaves its indigenous locale for keeps, is so tough and testing that it turns out to be a knack if one does well in doing so. He can be contacted at yrajanabee@gmail.com.

Yati Raj Ajnabee/Australia

Can’t can’t your seeming lovely face,
Oh New Year clothe those ugly days.
They are still felt fresh as the living blood
That brought and yet brings in me the flood.

Your tickle may turn into a terrible tease,
A farewell I offer you, stroke me not please.
Your sister took my dear brother’s dear life
I am impotent to welcome you as my wife.

I should not sow my seed in your womb
Else I’d carve the epitaph of my own tomb.
While bullet and blood celebrate honeymoon
Let’s depart to take tact’s relevant boon.

To ward off the impending danger, I despise
Your double sister before your empty eyes.
Days are frogs to her harsh teeth and at bay
She murdered all; none could live as red-letter day.

To comprehend why not welcome but farewell
Your thick and insane sense will certainly fail.
To sweep blood-scented dirt, terror and fear
From the human breast, I bid you oh New Year!

7th March 2004 Biratnagar

4 Replies to “Farewell, Oh New Year!”

  1. gagan lama

    Hi Friend,I went through your poem and found it a bit sentimental and heart-lamenting.It seems that the composition is undertaken prior to a realistic background in the past.The words are clear and concise to understand for any reader nodoubtfully. In totality, I like it and encourage the writer to come up with some more latest compositions in near future. Thanks

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