Global Warming

D N Kafle
Adelaide, Australia

The night spreads her curtains
Her veils like
An Indian bride and refuges
The earth,
As a gigantic vulture
Spreading its wings over the nest.

The tired trees
Conversing with their
Smaller siblings, the bushes
About the intrepid sweltering heat
Of the sun in the day
Probably to pick
Up a most current issue!

-A current issue-about why the reticent night owl
Migrated from an old bunyan tree
……..…..A current issue-about why the evening larks
No more hover around this part of the sky
…………………..A current issue-about why no more crickets sing in the evening ening
……………………………A current issue-about why not a single Siberian bird
Entered the sanctuary

Even in the last quarter of the shiny season!
The faint flickering light sleeps
With the dark inside that small house
As the old man slammed his front door
While the few streaks of
Moonlight spilled from the grip
Of hussy clouds chase their
Shadows on the earth below;
No more sound hounds-
A timeless beauty of the darkness
Assures a mad poet
Some witty-nitty
Metaphoric lines!

The fallen dry leaves,
The roadside walls
Of the high necked building,
The bicentennial cathedral
The dust and smoke that’s risen to the air
Keep listening to those tapping feet
Of a woman and her suitor— the solitary walkers
On the baked chest of sleeping footpath
As they walk past the culvert
Talking of economic recession and
Global warming.




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