Gross Global Grievances

Yam Kharel
Tennessee, USA

Authority deployed insane

Unlimited went the actions

“The rule” ruled out creeds

Terror crept into happy hearts.

The walls of peace shattered,

The bounds of humanity collapsed

Gunpowder overcast the sky

Bullets silenced the voices

Smoldering mornings and chaotic nights

Suppressed all inalienable rights

The pleas and bellows for democracy

Answered by the despotic autocracy

Heinous killings and brutality

Responded the calls to store humanity.

Wherever you are, whoever you are,

Democracy is the same –

By, for and of the people.

But ridiculous! The democracy-

That is by the King,

Is of the Royal Body,

And is for an international hoodwink!

The mother is ailing in Australia ,

The daughter is housekeeping in New Hampshire

And when the son bewilders in suffocation

The father comes to Vermont ,

Holding a colorful hoarding board

Tagged with- Gross National Happiness.

Flip over the board, dad!

And display both the sides

And let the world see also

Gross Global Grievances!

Yam Kharel

Tennessee, USA


4 Replies to “Gross Global Grievances”

  1. pardeshitara

    Yam bhai, u r fabulous here too. Decorated art writing! again appreciated. Go ahead and do what others don’t yet…good luck

  2. rohit subedi

    i m very happy with you coz you are there to touch all the glory got no boundry when i went via the lines you know.very nice

  3. Miss Rizal

    Yam Ji !!

    You are a much dynamic personality. You exactly seem pioneer and you are a real figure to illustrate perfection in multiple desciplines. As far as the community concerns come, you know how to treat the wounded heart with empathy, persuation and hopes. On the otherhand, you are very lucid, such a generous heart to deal against the causes and concerns with all the cosmopolatinic zeal. I wonder, are there any more Yam Kharel in the Bhutanese Universe? There are many but when I see your vibrant poetic reverberations none the none, a Yam like you are.

    As far as my studies dealt with, majority of the world celebrities were like you are in thier age that you are counting with now. Please, go vigil and vibrantly with your vivid charms and you will be devoted by community centered spirit in return. And give us the all traumas in the poetic notions and visualisations that the world needs to transform through reformations and build ups. You are giving a daily bread to a hunger trodden reader like me in the site. Your physical presence with presentation in the site is expected to build the bipolar dimensions of signals and satisfactions in this site.

    Give us some powers to reach you countnuously and meaningfully in the site. Today I am very sad that the sun didn’t shine in the morning sky of, this doesn’t mean that our vision are messed up with discontinuity, but for sure the irregulaity will make us mokery of our esteem to go regular. In this absence of regularity I adore your personality in poetic determination that inculcates a perfect tangents through vision of a good subjective analyst. Let your caliber thrive more in the poetic realm of Bhutanese Everest.

    I hope you will continue with all the paces you are giving life now. Good Luck

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