
Also called by Yati Raj Nyaupane, Yati Raj Ajnabee is an enthusiast of letters who had to leave his parents, siblings and his homeland in the first year of his teens in 1992. He, who was born in Surey, a village in Southern Bhutan, has been living in Australia since September 2008. The chap is convinced that the language and literature of a community reflect how far it has reached in the road to civilization. According to his inner man, underlining promotion and preservation of culture, language and literature in a foreign country when an exodus leaves its indigenous locale for keeps, is so tough and testing that it turns out to be a knack if one does well in doing so. He can be contacted at

Yati Raj Ajnabee
Adelaide, Australia

Until yesterday
the house was so bare and subdued
as hibernal flora forgotten by the birds
flown off to hunt for prey
in all direction at the crack of dawn

The house has now grown into    
mosque, convention center, refuge
cinema, temple, restaurant
gym, stadium athenaeum
hotel, tabernacle and
school where man is learning lessons
not learnt in universities

These many setups are housed today
in the small house man couldn’t
diurnally fit himself in until yesterday
the house is finally like a home

The spring has sprung
brought buds and birds back
to the boughs of the nearby woods
soothingly the vernal breeze is blowing the leaves
singing are the birds the butterflies dancing
it appears as though a symphonic play’s in display

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