Life hurts …

Bozena Helena Mazur-Nowak comes from Poland, Opole but since 2004, she has been living in the UK. She is a poet, writer, and translator and has published six volumes of poetry; three in Polish and three in English. She is also a contributor to numerous worldwide anthologies.

In 2014 she tried herself in prose and published her very first short story collection ''Doom''. Later another collection ''Interrupted life'' and a novel ''Blue cottage'' were published. Winner of many awards, diplomas, and statuettes, she translates polish poets into English and international poets into Polish. Her poetry was translated into English (by herself), French, Swedish, Spanish, Italian Telugu, Arabic, Russian languages. She is a pilgrim and an eternal dreamer.

Bozena Helena Mazur-Nowak

someone strapped your dreams so high up
eyes are tired but can’t sleep at all
a swarm of black thoughts penetrates the head
everything around is stripped of color

sometimes life hurts so much

you signed the contract for life imprisonment
don’t matter it hurts you have to go-ahead
although your knees are heavily scratched
from constant falling and eternal disappointments

stand up and go no matter if it hurts

reduced-fare only for selected ones
hump and grey hair are within reach
love and respect stand up so high
for us, working-class are only sweat droplets

life hurts but is so sweet though

each of us has one life assigned
in dreams, in pink and grey daily life
some people can live a long-life
others look old when they are still young

sometimes life hurts so much

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