On the valentine’s day

Devi Pokhrel/ Australia

My mailbox is full of the mails
Wishing the 14th Feb,
My friends and pals, here and there
Say happy Valentine’s Day,
It is the talk of the town
And the town is adorned fully
Offers and sale on the cards
Of wishing and jewellery graph high.
Let alone the lovebirds ,
High profile figures are no exception,
Even the nonagenarians and the kids
Are ready and all day engaged,
Remark this comes once in a year,
Their charisma and smile
Spread fragrance that intermingles with the atmosphere
Many seen in parks enjoying the methods of love
Not to see the beaches…
Neighbors in hurry,
Waive hands on to greet me
Radio airs, television broadcasts,
Newspapers prints about the day
Can’t count the rings and SMSs…..

With all above
My mind went blank,
Absolutely unaware, unnoticed,
Can’t figure out what next?
All around me spin which,
Aftermaths total dizziness
Questioned my self…..
What occasion is this?
Which moment of gay is this?
And what festival is it?
My intuition goes on empty
Resembles a vestigial organ,
I try to be nostalgic,
Again the same
With sigh almost regretful and
Searching my power of memory,
Attachment to the physical world,
I dare to ask my close aide….
Getting the fact…its ones’ loved ones’ day
My mind glow with that lightening
That my mom’s image used to give always
So I make a call home,
To say my mom ..
A happy valentine’s day.

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