Poems of Welkin Siskin: Series-2

Welkin Siskin lives in Seattle, Washington. He is the poet of varied nature, who writes on various themes. Poetry for him is the healing ointment of a heart destitute of vision. 

He believes that poetry is the play of words, the change of verbs into nouns; the game of words surging through the heart's inside. 
His poetry is the yearning for freedom, love, life, and the expression of the Nature that adorns the Universe- the mysterious eternity of the Infinite.

Welkin Siskin
Washington, America

1) Despondence
Thou art foe, Despondence,
Who dismisses as naive the third lens
And O, how acrid and unstinting thy hands
That this heart falls behind to enhance
These fatigued spirit; how uncanny thy voice
For this life could not ready the choice
And how unsettling the hour
That part of joy—or full of it—is devoured,
And the heart still falls behind to empower
These timeless imaginations.

2) Life in a Nutshell
Life is perhaps like this.
When a dream dashes into our lives,
Kisses fervor of many impatience appetite,
We kind of fall short to reach those appetites.
But colored between the extremes
Of white and green
The figment rise like an uncharted dreams.
And gives a spirited dawn to the hungered soul.

3) Know the Time Dance
Have firm resolve and strong will
To come out of mad swirl
And start over life again
For nothing quite like life begins again.
Are you not susceptible to the ideas that life is pure a form
For it ignite with love, with care and with compassion?
Hold on to life for life reinvigorates,
And fathom deep into it yet
There are reminiscences
With every footstep of time-dances.

4) Life as interlude
Life is a treachery upon us;
Where is the heaven that all of us seek
Where each of us with mus
Could caper in that place unique.
Life is an interlude of time
To learn, to know, to get and to caper
In the beauty of chime
And to open the vast door
Of understanding of the universe.
Life is a treachery upon us.
Where is a break to turn head and rejoice
And where is a barrier-free time
And how could we make heard voice
And could sing lullabies and rhyme.
Perhaps the Heaven above alone knows
To circumvent Time’s folly, and to fulfill our earnest entreaty.
For what comes as the unknown, comes and goes,
To never let our yearning free.

5) Good Omens Come Through Hard Work
Through the rugged hillocks we walk,
And through the briny deep of time,
And evermore, we walk through luck;
We tend to create nonetheless our own chime.
We harness what we retain and give our best
To attain that good omen we strive to gain;
We do this despite we seem moving late
With whatever we have, we aspire for that lane.

6) Worship the Lord
Thy lessons to forgive all,
Retrieve them from sins
And to purify body, mind, and soul
Thou art Master who teaches to begin
All the virtuous deeds; thou art Master of Heaven, the Supreme
With rosary of breaths, with passion and devotion
For thou art his disciple thou now bow before Him
And many a path choose, many a lesson learn.

7) Wants
Replete with wants we aspire to
what we cannot,
And seek what’s fit
And not
What we have;
We have
Hundreds of wants unfulfilled
That make our stomach ill
To grasp the gist out of it,
To find the nature of beast,
To draw lines around it,
And to add up.

8) Flowing with the Flow
Our rush do our mind longs
And our doings want impatience
To reach where we want to reach,
To uncover fulfillment.
If the rush I go through
Cannot be of worth
And it yet comes out of nowhere
To make a fuss,
I will let not the rush to obstruct me,
I will flow with paces, bit by bit.

9) We Ride on Waves
We ride on waves
To express our minds.
For the quest of human is knowing,
Imagining and solving,
He is so very inclined to that that it
Leaves empty space in his heart
Seeking, searching and wooing.
With lyrics and songs,
Odes and restless passion,
With science and philosophy,
You seek things till you found meanings and purpose.
Your imagining alas!
as the solstice
braided in the length of time,
extend to entrap you.

10) In The Briny Deep of Life
In the briny deep of life, unfathomable and vast,
He drowned, deep and way down,
And he travelled several lanes that could last
Until when the cross road he found.
For he is a traveler headed to the voyage of the unknown,
He meanders through highs and lows.
And does he twist with right and left turns.
For life is what goes,
And what throws curves at him,
He travels through the known.


@ Welkin Siskin





(C) Welkin Siskin

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