Poems of Welkin Siskin: Series – 7

Welkin Siskin lives in Seattle, Washington. He is the poet of varied nature, who writes on various themes. Poetry for him is the healing ointment of a heart destitute of vision. 

He believes that poetry is the play of words, the change of verbs into nouns; the game of words surging through the heart's inside. 
His poetry is the yearning for freedom, love, life, and the expression of the Nature that adorns the Universe- the mysterious eternity of the Infinite.

Welkin Siskin
Washington, America

1) To Net A Bigger Picture

I pulled the feathers
Of a shadow—the darker part— ignorance—
the joyless life—
Zeroing in on at nothing,
Loitering, stranded and lost—
To net a bigger picture of mine,
For one who has undergone
With shadows as company
Is well-versed with life.

2) Let Good Smear Us

Let the known and the unknown,
Fallen crest of a night,
Let the Star passing
through the clouds,
Let fire of passion,
Stirred up love
Spread over the boards
Of our life.

3) Stranded Seekers

Breaking the avalanche
Of life, the time passes by
And under the creepers
Those avalanches make murmur
Like the murmur of nightly time
Made by the being inside of us.

Let those nightly times, sprightly,
Catch sights of the seekers
Stranded, lost and distracted, dreaming.

4) All Beauties Dwindle

What’s a blossom’s beauty fades
When yet watered, manured and tended,
And it then is lost to the confluence of water
Like the life’s end-phase.
And at the end phase of life
We are lost to the unending whispers of water
And left to the limbs of eternity,
And in eternity we dwindle
Becoming a faint hope.

5) Torment of Thoughts

Thoughts go astray
Like a bolt from the heavens,
And they curl in the cerebrum
Like the arc of briny deep surge.

What is the substratum,
And where is the rest for a thought?
Where peace and felicity grow purely
In the frame of minds.

6) Soliloquies

There’s a tiny bit of delight
And a tiny bit of light
Nonetheless these words
Dance to the crescendo of tongue.
Imagine these words are dead,
Mouthful vowels fizzled out,
Alphabets poured with no choice
To distinguish between wrong and right,
Find the purposefulness, wholeness and fulfillment.
Shared with others not,
these soliloquies—nothing but the sacred
psalms of life—
would yet find refuse
in the universe as universal love.

7) A Journey of Life

A sweet dream to frequent
in the night tide,
A potion of memories
to take hold of mind,
One must go a long way, a long journey.
And cross multiple alleys.

8) Let Love Be Real like Everyday Reality

Pledge thy love to foment us
With sprinkles and drizzle for eternity to come,
And pledge to shun foibles and blunders
And pledge to take to the eternal home.
Make the love we share evermore real,
Real like the everyday reality,
And let it not falter and fail
Whatever the situations come to be.
For love is pleasant and savory,
And lenient like the Fall,
And evermore beautiful like the ivory,
Let us connect soul to soul.
For love is anything but failure
When two hearts twine to lure.

9) Let Limbos Not Take Hold of You

Sing not those songs of lamentations,
Sing not those songs of limbos,
Those moments that unraveled
In the rod of not-knowing,
For life is more of wheeze:—
Create a beauty that dwells in your heart
Create joy out of the order
Of societies—the cultural and social music, mosaic etc.

10) Let Love Be a Balm of Life

Given are these words—take it
As souvenirs as the tryst love,
And let us evermore sow a seed
To emerge down blues, and be like dove.
Let us then pledge soul to soul, spirit to spirit
And create a starlight in the wilderness we dwell,
And a night space-blessed, heavens-kissed and moonlit.
Oblige by virtue of love, sharing and tending
And pass through the dense of life caring.
For love is mundane, dull and earthly
Shared without hearts’ psalm,
And uncaring those moments be
Even in sharing. Let love be a balm.

11) Fading Beauty lies in Nature

A lowdown and dirty voice, a dirty teeth
Voraciously tearing apart a giant,
And lying through the lips,
A blossom so softly grown
Symbolizes “ faded beauty”.
Where could we then beauty find
If the sense is not sown
And many startling pathways never discovered,
Many unsettling pathways the senses never uncover.

Copyright: Welkin Siskin

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