Poems of Welkin Siskin: Series – 8

Welkin Siskin
Washington, America

1) Voices of Freedom

O, could his voice be harkened,
And his loving throat be swallowed;
His speeches as a lesson be learned
And his life’s string of tune be wooed?
Bestowed the grandeur of voices,
Loved the humanity as one family,
And played the psalm of society’s faces
Could such voice in never never time go and dwindling be?

2) Life is Shadowy Divested of Love

To the pathways divested of love
No one pines to come along with forlorn hope
Life becomes shadowy—and not as flying dove
That crosses barriers that lie above.
To be bereft of love is to lose life
In the thicket of varied nature
And that life cannot as scripture says revive
For that love does not cast spell, enthrall and lure.

3) Love Needs No Following

To love yet going far the crowded,
And be at Nature’s palm—in God’s hands
And with truth and beauty always be shrouded
Is the love of heart—no need to make everyone as fans.

4) The Awakened One

The Buddha prevails in him
And the echo-halos float
In the atmosphere
With nobler sublimity.
Discard the speeches— their
Prolonged tones—
the Om—the immeasurable—the
Sound-energy vibration
Pacified by the lips for a new beginning,
But he knows not the sound beats
Nor the bursting music
To which his bodies dance,
To which his tongues sing

5) Nature Unfolds Beauty

The moon shine overhead the skyline,
And this heart to its lights delight
Nowhere—not in the wilderness does it make line,
And does a billion eyes sight.
Give it pleasure with wondrous view
Given the far-ness, it catches our breath
Like throat caught in wonderful view
Crossing all breaths and widths.
The even-tide dies out not in its shine
For it crosses every demarcation making no line.
In the dales, hamlet and
Could enduring such beauty be sought,
Where there’s heart without doubts
To see through to find how heart begot?

6) Perfection

What’s a perfection that we hold is perfection to Lord also, for perfection comes out of our conscious, conscientious being.
Therefore, all that’s perfect should be human endeavor to cross all imperfections in nature.

7) Mother

Who helped unveil you and who cradled,
And who by virtue of love cared you the utmost
And who by tending the heights paddled
Never evermore, never evermore in hearts part.

Who helped sing God’s words
Who formed many hues of dreams
And who helped cross all the screams
Never in memories fade, without ifs ands or buts.

8)  An Earnest Entreaty

O the wakener of soul,
The king of the kings of the eternity vast
Who by grace plays us no foul,
Let us in the end, for eternity, together last.
O the giver of enchantment, delight, light and wheezes,
Who by unseen energy forever lead
To appear with brightest, sprightliest  face
Let us in thy mercy together dissolve, and together beget.

9) Platonic Love

Melted in trance,
uplifted in the surging clouds,
As though a God coming up above,
Thou gave me Time,
enchanting and fair,
I felt no need for fulfillment.
Such gracious is thy hand.

10) The Love of Heart

Through the heart have I longed for you,
And through the ever-present, lingering soul
Know not how you this love take and view,
Pledge though to mend it into a goal.

This love has taken many modes,
And many pathways, both callous and fairly sweet;
This love has taken weight in it, and carried loads;
This love can thus be sweet to befit
As love of the eternity—the eternal abode—
To tend it to the extreme lode.

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