The Country girl

Sabnam Siwa
Ohio, America.

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Lilly. Lilly lived on the countryside of her state. Her parents  had a farm. So, every day Lilly could look outside the window and see crops,  birds and animals. It was such a pretty sight.

One day, Lilly heard her parents talking about moving to the city. She was shattered to hear the news. She didn’t want to leave such a pretty sight. Lilly felt mad, sad and confused at the same time. She was mad because she didn’t want to leave her home. She was sad because she thought that won’t see the beauty of the countryside like plants, crops and animals when she looks out the window in the city.

She was confused because she had no idea why her parents wanted to move. Soon the day came to move to the city. Lilly had strange and weird feelings. On the drive to the city, Lilly started to realize that ‘moving’ means going to a new school, a new home and a strange place.  Lilly really didn’t want to go to the new city. Soon Lilly and her family got to the new city. Lilly was amazed by how many buildings there were and roads and not that many trees or plants and animals. She looked up and saw so many wires and then she thought why did her parents want to move to the new city? So she asked her parents why did they move to the city?  Her mother said, “We weren’t getting enough money at the farm so your father will be working in the new bank here.”

The next day was Lilly’s first day of school. She was so scared that she was thinking of curling up and hiding forever until she was 25, but her mother literally made her go to the school. When she got there, she saw so many kids:-  big, small even tiny. Then, out of nowhere comes out a girl that was same as Lilly’s height, red-headed and said “Hi! Are you the new kid? My name is Zoe. What is your name?”  Lilly said back, “My name is Lilly,” and they became good friends.

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