The Nest

Bozena Helena Mazur-Nowak comes from Poland, Opole but since 2004, she has been living in the UK. She is a poet, writer, and translator and has published six volumes of poetry; three in Polish and three in English. She is also a contributor to numerous worldwide anthologies.

In 2014 she tried herself in prose and published her very first short story collection ''Doom''. Later another collection ''Interrupted life'' and a novel ''Blue cottage'' were published. Winner of many awards, diplomas, and statuettes, she translates polish poets into English and international poets into Polish. Her poetry was translated into English (by herself), French, Swedish, Spanish, Italian Telugu, Arabic, Russian languages. She is a pilgrim and an eternal dreamer.

Bozena Helena Mazur-Nowak

The nest was once bustling
With noises of young chicks
With soft down
Smelling of bird milk
Today it is so empty

Chicks are already grown up
Flown out into the wide wild world
They have feathered their own nests
And their family is forgotten

A grey lonely old mother
With a dull short sight
Puts her head on the edge
And looks into the distance

The tears in her eyes are frozen
Her heart is in bitter pain
For every shadow in flight
Hopefully wistfully looking

The nest was once bustling with life
Today it is so empty and quiet
In the corners the memories are dormant
Whether they will be able or not
To fill the void

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