The silent watcher

Ruven Sharma

The end of
physical existence,
Is not the end,
But a new beginning..
Of unveiling the hidden truth
and to reeducate our next of Kin!
Not only for individual,
But for welfare of,
All country men & women,
Old and young ..
To narrate and to restore,
The confiscated and
fabricated identity!

It shouldn’t be so late,
until, the physical being
smashes & shatters,
All over the ground,
as snag of old pine!
Then comes enormously
Pouring sympathy and support
And very poignant kind!
But not a word when I’m a whole
and in bold action,
But at the moment of
my last rights of cremation!
Not all death-ignites,
A Fine light within you!
May mine, kindly shines,
tiny sparks of insight, and
wisdom to all of you!!
If my death, only makes
shed some, croc’s tear.
Isn’t valiant; but only reflects
Cowardly life full of regrets
and fear!!
May this body and my blood
Enrich that land, very bare,
Yet, my soul never dies,
And it knows exactly all,
who truly cares!

Not only with slickly word,
But by action, bravery
and strong Dare!!
To the one who exploits
All those martyr sacrifices..
Wait for their gentle whisper,
Directly, Into your eyes and ears,
Not only in, imagination;
But everyday and in your dream,
wakes you widely up,
In agony and in terror!!
Only, ignition of your inner light,
Leads the body to be mystical,
and let’s it glare,
Yet, spirit vibrantly lives
Divinely and freely in cosmic air,
Abs it surely knows all who
genuinely cares!!
not only for me,
But for the welfare of
those lives, who are sick
and fragile,
Still shackled up in exile,
Less like a sheep,
yet, to be sacrificed.
For voicing to restore
your identity,
For fighting for your
Survival and freedom.
So, you receive the
highest level of your
very own salvation.
In reality of deeply touching,
we find the strength to
keep on clutching!
To the moments that our souls,
help us reach our highest goals.
Through tears and laughter, we embrace,
the beauty found in every trace,
of love and kindness, pure and true,
In reality, we find our breakthrough.
So let us hold on to what’s real,
and let our heart’s and minds reveal.
The power of connections so strong,
In the reality of deeply touching,
we belong!!

In memory of Lt. Dr. Govinda Rizal & Dr. Bhumpa Rai !

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