Unborn child and the wishes he/she had


Hemanta Acharya
Sydney, Australia

I wish!

The day I came into my mum’s tummy,
I wished I could come out into the beautiful world,
To taste the changing nature, variety of living creatures
And of course enjoy
But my misfortune, I was just a small bump, unborn.

It was my very first kick in mum’s tummy when I first
Wished I could come out into the universe and kick football
To become like Lionel Messi and David Beckham
And of course learn more new skills, influence and inspire all over
But my misfortune, I was just a small bump, unborn.

The pain my mum bared every second to cope with my expanding nature
Was the day I wished I could come out into the world,
To fill the pain of every mum with excitement and new hope
And definitely paint their life with rainbow of happiness
But my misfortune, I was just a small bump, unborn.

My mum’s frequent whispers of helplessness hearing the news of discrimination and rape cases
Was the moment I really wished I was alive
To become like Nelson Mandela and Opera Winfrey,
Bring positive changes in the society, country and the world
and yes! encourage each individual to fight for their rights and be a symbol of justice
But my misfortune, I was just a small bump, unborn.

That pinches in my mum’s tommy when my mum dreamed of me becoming a doctor,
Wasn’t just her dream, but was my goal
To treat lifelong diseases and prevent premature deaths
And no doubt to bring happiness in the face of their families and relatives
But my misfortune, I was just a small bump, unborn.

Those sorrowful moments of my dad, seeing the orphans running around the street for a single bite of food and one sip of water,
Was the thing that really urged me to become like Angelina Jolie
To be an umbrella for shelter, water to drink and food to eat
And of course, provide love and support
But my misfortune, I was just a small bump unborn

The moment I turned non- living bump wrapped around
By dead cells just in the form of another wastes,
Was the only day that my wishes were shattered, goal remained unfulfilled,
And my parent’s joy and excitement disappeared for forever with my disappearance.

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