Unless you come….


D N Kafle/ Australia

Thy love, I engraved on the wall of a citadel,
Vicious the time he is, he toppled it in a fray.
Engraved I, on the heart of the blue firmament,
Cloud so vindictive thwarted my way.
Inscribed I, love thy in a paper so white.
Nature did tarnish, pursuing the abysmal day.
Written on the sandy shore, sung in the shrillest tone,
Cosmos lovely, my canopy blue night in the day begun.
Breeze so sweet in northern shore, trusted I to tell my tale.
In no mercy the whirl wind swiped it; my heaven I saw in hell.
Blissful serene ocean whispered, “Quote it on my chest so wide”
No love for my love’s sake hath he, the mightiest night tide.
In my softest heart so I wrote it in
Still is soothing, don’t say nay.
So, love to me, is all blowing and fading too
Eroding, swiping and toppling. Does it for you?
Is love so pervading, a dreamy essence?
Or is it an elixir, opium or an ecstatic tense?
My genuine love to you my cutest darl, -a fair dinkum
Life, my, be in vanity, unless you come, unless you come…..

8 Replies to “Unless you come….”

  1. Rup N Pokharel

    Kafle jii,
    Nice piece of art of yours i got read. Indeed this I found a artistic creation of yours. Keep it up.

  2. Yati Raj Ajnabee

    Go on writing and if she still doesn’t come,………………… It’s a first-rate creation, Mr. Kafle. As I read, I’d expected that it’d quench my thirst for romantic piece but it roused another thirst on the contrary. Can you please do me a favour letting me read your another composition?

  3. Yadu Baral

    The real artistic penmanship flows out from inside. In fact, your creation is superb. You have the caliber to flow out your emotions into literary pergola. Never stop midway. I am pretty sure she will present herself before you and will say ‘I am here’ to surprise you. Just keep going ahead!

  4. Subhash Dhungana

    Hi dhai I enjoyed ur poem which is very beautiful and carried a fact heart of trust from top to buttom. Any way keep going la .I wanna to see more from u.see u.

  5. Pardeshitara

    Hallo DNji, She might have come by the time I posted this coz your love to her is like that of Romeo and Julliet, Muna and Madan. I feel, every sunday is not gloomy for a lover like you. Just have faith in your love, you will certainly have whatever you wish.
    I read the poem three double times and feel like reading still. The more I read, the more I felt to wish you,’all the best of luck Kafleji’. I have a hope to read many more from you. Good job !!!
    Pardeshitara, NY,USA.

  6. chakra Acharya(welkin Siskin)

    I went restess and moved by the wind of your deep-drowning article….Awesome Dnji. I’d be honored to get more of your articles published to read between its line… Ascend up the unknown zone.Wish you.
    Love could be met.I entreat the Maker-that your wooings are divine!

  7. Dom N Kafley

    Firstly, my thanks are due to http://www.Bhutaneseliterature.com for coming up in this form to bringing our senior folks, creative intellectuals and friends and fellow mates into this common podium sharing their sorrows, sufferings and long earned experiences in various creative forms to sate the literary thirst of the fast growing number of its readers keeping being connected through this internet room. Also I wouldn’t like to keep this debt of extending my sincerest of thanks to Bhutaneseliterature dot com for providing space for my flawless, immature, blue-collared, unrefined (I like to call it RAW) and proletarian article(s) under poetry thereby enriching in me the already extant passion for understanding logics of reading poetry. Undoubtedly, this was the very first ever of my creations to be published online here in BL. Thank you BL-its dedicated team and its readers!
    Secondly, my benign thanks are to you all for all your caring, inspiring and motivating words. I am quite not sure if this little boy (sorry slip of the tongue!) is strong enough to hold all your high dozed comments. Seeing your words, am feeling quivering -but much appreciations that I can’t portray just in these very few lines. Dear Rup N sir, Yati daju, and Yadu Baral sir, it’s so kind of you giving me so much stimulating words. I’m staggered to keeping these promises to you though. Thank you so much Krishna vai and Subhash vai. I appreciate your heartening and encouraging words. Dear Pardeshitaraji and dear Chakraji, I felt honoured for being praised over these substandard-shoddy lines. Both of yours words are much stirring and moving (deep breath)! Thank you so much for your generous words for elevating my passion for poetry and painting my hopes of coining few more raw lines which (if I could any in days to come) shall I be calling my poems to get you go through. And yes Welkin Siskin is already a good name reverberating in BL. Many thanks Chakraji.
    Dom N Kafley

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